Five Dates with the Billionaire - Alyssa J. Montgomery Page 0,3

quickly from her computer screen her heavy-framed glasses were almost dislodged.

The sight of the company’s handsome-as-hell CEO striding towards her desk was enough to render her rigid with shock. Connor Stewart was the only man she’d ever known who could send her pulse rate skyrocketing merely by being in the same room. Now, his impressive height and broad-shouldered frame filled her generous office space and all the oxygen whooshed from her lungs.


The man who faced her looked nothing like she’d imagined in her private fantasies. This guy was like a dark-haired avenging angel who threatened to bring down the wrath of the heavens on her head.

His normally full, sensual lips were flattened into a thin line of displeasure and there was a small muscle tic in his cheek.

Gosh! Connor wasn’t angry; he was livid.

What on earth had she done to attract his attention, let alone his wrath?

Her mind flipped frantically through all her current projects…

‘I understand you know my grandmother.’

No greeting.

No preamble.

His words hung between them as an accusation and his gaze pinned hers in an aggressive challenge.

This was worse than being called to task for some error in her work. This was undeniably personal and the blatant hostility in his tone made it difficult for her to muster a coherent response.

‘Well, Miss Simms?’

She summoned a polite smile. ‘Good afternoon, Mr Stewart.’ Amazingly, her voice was steady.

‘I asked you a question.’

Completely intimidating, he was unrecognisable as the man she admired for his progressive thinking and generous philanthropy. The man she—

‘Answer me!’

Mia frowned at him.

Why was he so worked up about her friendship with his grandmother?

Pushing her chair back from the desk created some much needed space between them but he still crowded her. ‘Yes. Your grandmother and I are friends.’

His mesmerisingly blue eyes radiated an arctic chill cold enough to stop global warming. When he spoke, his voice dripped ice. ‘How is it that a junior member of my staff becomes friends with my grandmother?’


This guy must be an imposter because the man she respected would never be so condescending.

‘Is there a company by-law that states only senior staff members can be her friend?’

For a split second his pupils flared. ‘My grandmother makes a point of getting to know all the senior staff by taking them out to lunch.’ He crossed his arms over his broad chest. ‘And then there’s you; a young marketing employee, yet I find out you’re at her home every Saturday evening.’

There was no missing the emphasis he made on ‘employee’.

Every metaphorical hackle she possessed rose. ‘Do you have any idea how elitist you sound?’

‘I don’t give a damn how I sound.’ He bent forward, resting his hands on the edge of her desk and bringing his whole body closer. The attractive masculine scent of his cologne didn’t make it easy for her to think clearly. In fact, she had to resist the temptation to inhale more deeply. ‘I want to know how you met my grandmother and how long you’ve been spending Saturday evenings with her.’

‘Did you ask her?’

If he hadn’t been so close she might’ve missed the blink that suggested he hadn’t been satisfied with the answer.

He straightened up, but was no less intimidating.

Although his athletic physique was covered by his bespoke suit, he would’ve been more appropriately dressed in a singlet top and boxing gloves.

No. Don’t even go there. Don’t even think about Connor in a singlet top with the faint sheen of sweat on his bulging biceps and…

‘I’m asking you.’

Hauling her thoughts away from the sexy image, Mia knew she had to come up with a reasonable explanation or he’d ask more questions.

That definitely had to be avoided.

‘We serve the homeless at a soup kitchen on Saturday mornings. I’ve been volunteering there for almost four years,’ she hedged.

If she admitted she’d met Violet over ten years ago it would raise questions Mia wasn’t prepared to answer. Those emotional scars were nobody’s business but her own.

‘Everybody knows the city soup kitchen is one of Gran’s favourite charities. All you had to do was volunteer there to get to know her.’

‘To what end?’ Mia’s mind whirred. What kind of hidden agenda did he think she had?

Contempt blazed from his eyes. ‘Don’t play games with me. I love my grandmother and I won’t stand by and see anyone take advantage of her.’

‘I’m not taking advantage of Violet.’


Despite herself, Mia’s heart kicked hard against her ribs. Even in the midst of this unwarranted hostility there was no denying he was the most stunningly handsome man she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024