The First Taste (Slip of the Tongue #2) - Jessica Hawkins Page 0,45

I could write a book on the behavior of a cheater. “You’re trying to turn the blame on me. I wasn’t what you needed, therefore you had to look elsewhere.”

“You’re projecting your insecurities onto me,” he says, and now I know he’s also been working with someone. “I never blamed you. Once you found out about Virginia, I took responsibility. I’m just trying to tell you why I did it so you can see how I’m different now.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

“I know what I’m getting into this time. Avec will always be your top priority, but I’d rather come in second place than not at all.”

I’m taken aback to hear him say avec will always be number one. Will it? Can it? Every twelve-hour day I work passes quickly as I do my best to keep my head above water. Because of that, I rarely stop to think about the big picture. Is that what I want to be doing the rest of my life? Nearly drowning in details and day-to-day decisions? I don’t remember deciding that, but if I continue down this path, avec will be all I ever have.

I gave things up in exchange for a successful business. But with Reggie’s assumption that there’s no room at the top for anything other than work, I can’t help wondering if it was ever a mistake to choose avec over love. Not over Reggie, because he proved himself unworthy, but he’s right that I did put work before him any chance I got.

“I’m glad you ended things with her,” I say. “You shouldn’t be with someone who had no problem carrying on an affair with a married man for almost a year. But it doesn’t change my mind.”

His face falls. “I’m not asking you to forgive me on the spot,” he says. “But I want to start over. To put the past behind us and try to make this marriage work.”

“No. Your attempts to manipulate me won’t work anymore.”

“Manipulate?” He furrows his eyebrows. “I’m being honest.”

I never thought of Reggie as controlling until after I realized he’d been cheating. Somehow, he always managed to make me think his ideas were mine, even the little things, like choosing where to eat. My therapist grilled me one session just to get what she wanted—a simple, meaningless conversation over choosing where to have dinner.

“Where should we go?” Reggie had asked. “Anywhere you want. It’s your night.”

“How about the Italian place on the corner?”

“Sounds great. Their Bolognese is crap, but the rest of the menu is good.”

“Bolognese? That’s your favorite.”

“It’s fine. I’ll get something else.”

“I guess we could try the new place that opened on Seventh? The one you mentioned last week?”

“If that’s what you want,” he’d said, kissing my forehead. “Like I said, it’s your night.”

I wouldn’t have remembered that conversation on my own, but Dianne had known exactly what she was looking for. Once I’d relayed it to her, memories of other, similar conversations flooded me. Some as simple as that. Some more complicated, deep emotional betrayals I don’t think too hard about.

“I guess I don’t blame you for trying to manipulate me since I fell for it for years,” I tell him.

“That’s crazy, Amelia. Maybe I made a lot of mistakes, but I always loved you. I always tried to make you happy, even when I was with her.”

“Don’t come here again.”

“Or what? You have nothing over me. I own your apartment. Your business.” He looks me over. “I mean, if you think about it, I even own your body . . .”

I clench my teeth, even though I know he’s only trying to get under my skin. “Go to hell.”

“You own mine too. I have the paperwork. What good is a marriage certificate if it doesn’t prove we belong to each other?”

I’m seething, just like he wants. Reggie would often remind me his money afforded us a certain kind of lifestyle, but this is the first time he’s called me his property. In a way, I’m glad he’s saying it aloud. He’s been treating me like a possession since before he stared his affair. “I want out of this marriage.”

He smiles sweetly, as if I’m an indulgent child. “That will pass.”

“Let me buy avec from you and let’s be done with it.”

“We’ve been over this,” he says with a sigh. “I’m not giving up avec, because I’m not giving up you. You have no way out, muffie.” He retreats for the door. “Accept that so we Copyright 2016 - 2024