The First Taste (Slip of the Tongue #2) - Jessica Hawkins Page 0,145

her daughter.

I’m not alone long before another mom takes her place. “I don’t think we’ve met,” she says, scanning me from head to toe. “Which one’s yours?”

“None,” I say. “I’m a friend of the host.”

“Andrew?” She blinks. “A friend?”

I nod. “A very good one.”

“Oh. I love your dress.” Though it’s the exact same thing Lynn said, her tone is the opposite of warm and friendly. “It’s . . . festive.”

I grin, smoothing my hand over the front of it. “It is fabulous, isn’t it?” I say, as I turn and walk away. Maybe I can do this mom thing!

I spot Andrew before he sees me. He’s in conversation with a woman—there are a lot of them around—but he keeps looking past her, first at Bell, and then scanning the party. The woman leans in, laughs, and touches his bicep. He crosses his arms, nodding, but he definitely does not look as though he’s enjoying himself. When his eyes land on mine, he smiles widely, somehow brightening an already warm, sunny afternoon.

It’s all the signal I need. I beeline for him, focusing on the way he tracks my every step, his eyes skimming from my legs to my hips to my breasts and finally, my face. When the woman notices he isn’t listening to her, she pauses and follows his line of sight right to me.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he says to me.

“Here I am.” I hold out my hand to her. “Amelia.”

She looks perplexedly at my hand before shaking it. “Kiki. Brynn’s mom.”

“Nice to meet you, Kiki Brynn’s Mom,” I say.

“You’re Bell’s aunt?” she asks.

Andrew lays a heavy arm around my shoulder and brings me into his chest. He kisses the top of my head. “Thankfully not, or that would be weird,” he says. “This is my girlfriend.”

My heart skips. I’m not used to the new designation, but my surprise is nothing compared to the shock on Kiki’s face. Her eyes flare open, and either she doesn’t have time to hide her envy or she doesn’t know how, because I read it loud and clear. I could teach her a thing or two about composure. “Oh—I . . . I didn’t know. When—? I thought—”

“Can you give us a minute, Kiki?” Andrew asks. “I haven’t seen Amelia in half an hour, and I’m dying to give her a real kiss.”

She scoffs, as if he’s affronted her somehow, and takes a step back. “Of course. Why would I mind?” She hurries away. I imagine her casting a glance over her shoulder, but I don’t get a chance to look because Andrew spins me so we’re face to face. He plants a hard kiss on my mouth. “Mmm. You taste even better than the birthday cake.”

I pull back a little. “How would you know? It’s still in the kitchen.”

“I may have snuck a bite.”

“Andrew,” I scold, shoving his chest. He stays right where he is, keeping one arm around my shoulders and the other secured to my waist. “That’s your daughter’s cake. She’ll be devastated.”

“You think I’m stupid? I was strategic about it. I covered my tracks with icing.”

I roll my eyes but hug him back. “Very sneaky.”

“It was delicious.” He rests his forehead against mine. “You did good.”

“Thanks,” I murmur. “That woman—have you . . .?”

“What?” he asks. “With her?”

I nod. “She seemed really offended.”

He shakes his head. “Nah. I don’t mess with the other moms. They’re rabid. If I were to let one of them into my bed, they’d turn into an even hornier pack of bitches.”

I wrinkle my nose. “That many of them are single?”

“No,” he says. “Hardly any. Kiki isn’t.”

“Oh.” Understanding dawns. “So they just want to hook up.”

“Yeah. The weird thing is, the single moms leave me alone. It’s like we understand each other.”

I smile a little. “I never pretended to understand you.”

“Nor I you. You’re still a puzzle.”

Grinning, I tilt my head up for another kiss just as I hear, “Ugh. I don’t know whether to be disgusted or elated.”

Without letting go of Andrew, I turn. Sadie holds a plate with a hamburger. Nathan stands next to her with two more. “On the one hand,” she says, “I want you both to be happy. On the other . . .” She grimaces. “Ew. You’re my brother. And my boss.”

“She’s been a bit multiple-personality ever since,” Nathan nods at her growing belly, “you know.”

Sadie turns to gape at him. “I’m pregnant. I’m entitled to indecision and mood swings.”

“And foot rubs. And midnight ice cream runs. And Copyright 2016 - 2024