First Lords Fury Page 0,240

Aldrick's madwoman, Odiana, trailed along behind him with one finger hooked into the back of his belt. She was beaming at the battle all around them.

"My lady," Fidelias said, scowling, "you need to leave the area at once. I insist that you take to your wind coaches now."

"We cannot," Isana replied steadily. "There are too many enemy fliers overhead. They'd swarm the coach before it could pick up speed if we tried to leave."

Fidelias glanced up at the sky above. It was filled with vordknights, more of them than he could easily count. For the most part, they seemed willing to hover overhead, though a few score were harassing the infantry, streaking down to rake at them with their scythe-limbs when they thought they had an advantage. At least two dozen kept trying to sweep down onto the rooftop, but the Free Aleran Knights Aeris were handily swatting them off target with blasts of wind, working with excellent coordination.

He considered the idea of passing them over to the First Lady to cover her escape but dismissed it. The Windwolves already had more than enough Knights Aeris to manage that trick. Men blasting away with wind from solid ground was one thing. Hurling extraneous windstreams around while Knights Aeris were trying to keep a wind coach aloft was something else entirely.

"How can I help?" Isana asked.

Fidelias grimaced and looked from her to her two immediate escorts. Aldrick ex Gladius looked completely unconcerned. The big swordsman was one of the most unreadable individuals he'd ever met, and it was entirely possible that the man wasn't sane. He might actually not feel any genuine anxiety about today's outcome. Araris, though, was scowling and eyeing Fidelias as though he expected him to Do Something About That Woman.

On the ground below, the vord broke open an enormous hole in the shieldwall, and only the efforts of the First Aleran's Knights Terra managed to close it again. Crows, but he didn't need another problem to solve. "You can get out alive, and take my wounded Citizens with you. They might be needed."

"I told you... Marcus, isn't it? There are simply too many vord in the air."

"Take Antillus Crassus," Fidelias said. "He can probably veil the whole lot of you, if you flew in close enough formation. He can't walk, but he can sit in a coach. Antillar Maximus and Ambassador Kitai are down there, too, unconscious."

"First Spear," Isana said. "You need such talents here. Or better yet, helping my son."

"They were helping your son," Fidelias growled. "That's how all of them wound up in healing tubs in the first place."

A trio of vordknights came zipping in from one side, with the risen sun behind them, and the Knights Aeris on the roof didn't redirect their windstreams in time. Fidelias moved on pure instinct, grabbing the First Lady and taking her down to the stone of the roof with as much speed and as little harm as possible. He stayed there, shielding her body, as the swords of Araris, Aldrick, and half a dozen Windwolves leapt clear of their scabbards.

Bits and pieces of vordknight, divided in perfectly neat lines, scattered to the roof around them.

Fidelias lowered his voice for Isana's ears alone, and said, "My lady. We cannot hold the position. We do not have much time. Do you understand?"

Isana's eyes were a little wide, but her expression was controlled. She took in a deep breath as Fidelias rose and Araris helped her up.

"Captain Aldrick," she said.

Aldrick gave a slight bow of his head, "My lady?"

"This Legion is short of their company of Knights. I wish you to deploy your men to support them."

Aldrick said nothing for a moment. His eyes shifted, left and right, toward the waiting wind coaches and the vord outside the steadholt, respectively.

The fingers of his right hand, his sword hand, flexed slowly, as though being loosened up for action. Fidelias had a flash of insight. Though Aldrick might be a mercenary, he wasn't inhuman. None of them were. And no Aleran could look at the vord destroying their world without realizing that there was no way to remain safely out of this fight. You could only decide whether to make a stand beside your fellow Alerans - or delay the moment of reckoning until you faced the vord alone.

"Say yes," Odiana said, her lovely eyes eerily bright. "Oh, say yes, my lord. I've been waiting ever so long to see you kill vord."

The mercenary glanced over his shoulder at Odiana, then turned Copyright 2016 - 2024