First Date - Sue Watson Page 0,9

say no.

I call him straight back from the work phone. He answers immediately, and I feel all squishy inside, as if I’m thirteen again and talking to my first crush.

‘Hey, Alex, it’s Hannah. I’d love to see you again,’ I say.

‘Great… that’s really great, Hannah. I wasn’t sure you’d call.’

His vulnerability touches me. ‘Of course. I had a great time.’

‘Me too. So… when are you free?’

‘I’m free whenever.’ He’s not playing games, so neither am I.

‘Tonight?’ he suggests.

‘Yeah, why not?’

‘Great, great. Shall I come to yours and pick you up?’

‘Why don’t I meet you outside the wine bar, like last time?’

‘Perfect, see you at eight?’


I put down the phone feeling as if I’ve just been wrapped in pink, scented cashmere. As hard as I try to manage my expectations, to prepare myself for disappointment, I’m also willing it to work. Having told myself for a long time that I don’t need anyone but me, I now realise that I’m right – I don’t need anyone. But I would like someone. And Alex might just be that someone.

‘Oh God, it was the sweetest message,’ I tell Jas over lunch.

We’re having sandwiches from Greggs at her desk. She has a fancy coffee machine in her office so the two of us usually sit in here on the rare occasions we have time to eat. Today, we have about seventeen minutes before my next home visit and her meeting with the local head of social services, so it’s a little rushed.

‘I’m telling you, Alex is genuine,’ I say, enjoying his name on my tongue. ‘He’s amazing, thoughtful, sensitive, and he listens… he actually listens, Jas.’ I smile, warmed by the thought of him.

Jas gives me a warning look. ‘Sounds too good to be true. And when someone seems too good to be true – that’s because they are.’

‘You’ve got to stop being so cynical,’ I say, disappointed that she’s not joining in on my excitement. ‘Why are you suddenly against this – you’re the one who suggested I go on Meet Your Match in the first place! You said it was just what I needed.’

‘Yeah, but I meant to have fun, not to take it too seriously. You’ve only had one date with this guy and you’re all over the place, talking dogs and kids and… It was the same with Tom, within days you’d fallen hook, line and sinker and moved him in. That makes you vulnerable, which is why Tom played you, Hannah. You did everything for him, and he gave you nothing back.’

‘Tom was different. Alex is—’

‘Yeah, I think we know all about Alex by now.’ She rolls her eyes. ‘You were supposed to go on the dating app for fun, that’s all – so you could do something other than watch The Great British Bake Off every evening.’

‘It isn’t on every evening,’ I say, a little stung by her words.

‘You know what I mean. Sorry, didn’t mean to sound like a bitch, it’s just – you’re already talking like you’re madly in love and you don’t know the bloke. Don’t get yourself into another Tom situation.’

‘I just told you, Alex isn’t Tom,’ I say defensively.

She sighs in exasperation. ‘No, but this one…’ She pauses, raises her eyebrows. ‘I think the fact he didn’t ask for another date on the night, but kept you waiting, then called your work phone randomly the next day is a big red flag, babe.’

‘No it isn’t.’

Jas takes a big bite of her sandwich, as I argue my point.

‘If you heard him, Jas, you’d know what I mean – his honesty, is… well, it’s quite disarming, and I believe him when he says he didn’t want to put me on the spot. Trust me, this is a considerate guy who doesn’t want to pressure me, that’s all.’

She shrugs, as if to say that’s what you think.

‘So you’re going out with him again?’ She plonks her sandwich down and gets up to make coffee.

‘Yes I am going out with him again.’

‘When?’ she asks.

‘Well, he suggested tonight.’

Her lips purse, she’s not pleased.

‘What?’ I press.

‘Nothing,’ she mutters, her back to me as she makes the coffee, then she turns round. ‘It’s – just that we were supposed to be going to the cinema tonight, to see that new Ryan Reynolds film.’

‘Oh… God! I didn’t realise we’d said tonight?’ I’m sure we didn’t make any arrangements. It was a vague conversation last week about how we must see the film. But still.

‘Look, it doesn’t matter if you’ve already arranged Copyright 2016 - 2024