First Comes Love - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,64

with the tightest, pinkest nipples he'd ever seen in his life.

His cock surged against his belly, pushing against the buttons of his fly in its need to get out, get in.

"Dylan," Kitty said again. "You're taking too long."

The urgency in her voice was the only thing that saved him. With Kitty on that fine edge, he could draw it out, keep control. He swallowed. "I was thinking maybe, just maybe, if I take my time you'll remember, honey."

"Remember?" Her breasts were quivering under his gaze.

"You know, that night." He leaned down and licked one nipple. It was hard and hot against his tongue. He licked it again.

Around them, Kitty's delicate rose scent swirled like steam. "I remember it," she said quickly. "I do."

"You do?" He stood up and she moaned softly. "What is it you remember, Kitty?"

Her hand lifted away from her side, dropped. "This. You. You know." Her breasts rose and fell with her unsteady breaths.

"This?" He leaned down again and kissed the tip of the other breast. Sucked it inside his mouth.

She arched toward him and he curved his hands around her slender rib cage. "I remember, Dylan," she said, her hands in his hair. "I do, I do, I do."

She tasted so good. It was something he would never forget, the soft, warm skin against his cheek and the satisfying sensation of her nipple against the roof of his mouth. He was good at sex. The women who'd complained about his emotional distance had never complained about his performance in bed. It had seemed only fair, after all, just another application of the Golden Rule, to do unto women as you wanted women to do unto you.

But with Kitty, he wasn't even thinking about the do-unto-him part. It was arousing enough to hear her gasping for breath and to feel the bite of her fingers in his scalp. He switched to her other nipple and sucked that too, taking the free breast in his palm and kneading it gently.

"Please," she whispered. "Please."

He lifted his head. "Is it all coming back to you, honey?"

Her eyes were entirely serious. "Yes, it's coming, all right."

He almost choked, but instead pulled her against him. Her breasts pressed against his chest and they both shuddered. His mouth found hers and she slid her tongue along his. He groaned.

"The bedroom," he said against her lips, and started walking her backward. But he tripped over her slower feet and nearly sent them both crashing to the floor, so he lifted her. Finding her mouth again, he carried her into the bedroom, their lips fused, her feet dangling.

In the dim light of a bedside lamp, he saw the room was small but uncluttered. Though her bed was small as well, and covered with throw pillows, it would do, he thought. He didn't want anything more than their skin between them anyhow.

Without taking time to finesse, he pulled the bedcovers back, shoving aside the extra pillows to lay her against the pristine sheets. He flipped off her heavy-soled sandals, then sat on the edge of the mattress and kissed her deeply, one hand working on the fastening of her shorts. Her belly muscles jumped when the zipper slid down, and he insinuated his hand into the denim's open vee to soothe them. She tore her mouth away from his.

"I don't remember this," she said, that uncertain note sounding again.

"It will come back to you," he answered, then smoothed off her shorts and panties in one movement.

Her thighs clamped together. "Dylan..."

He forced his gaze away from the pretty hair between her legs, his temperature rising with the kind of single-minded fever that only a descendant of a forty-niner could truly understand. "Kitty," he whispered. "Honey. It's going to be all right."

He slid his hand up her body to cup her breast again.

She arched into his touch. "It's going to be good."

"More than good." He stroked his thumb across her nipple. "You want this, right?"

Her eyes glazed as he thumbed her other nipple. "Yes, now, hurry."

He laughed, then stood up and shucked off the rest of his clothes. She scooted over to make a place for him on the bed and he edged in next to her, lying on his side so he could trail his fingers from her throat to her belly button.

Her thighs relaxed and she turned toward him for a kiss. It heated instantly, their tongues fighting for dominance. Her hand brushed his cock.

He groaned, caught her fingers, pressed them to his hard length. She Copyright 2016 - 2024