First Comes Love - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,109

me. The FBI is certain they have them all. But you can't tell Warren Witherspoon anything." Like a conspirator, she leaned close to Kitty and whispered, "Since I've refused a bodyguard, he's been looking for a husband to protect me."

"Dylan." Kitty hated that her voice squeaked. After all, hadn't she herself proclaimed Dylan and Honor a perfect match?

"Oh, not Dylan. I'm almost certain Warren's given up on that idea."

Kitty pretended nonchalance. "Really?"

Honor shrugged. "There's just nothing there, you know? Maybe because when we met I hadn't showered in two weeks." Her gaze slid away. "Or maybe because I'd been listening to some creepy goon's sexual fantasies for all that time. But there's no spark between Dylan and me. We're just friends."

Dylan had said that too. Kitty looked into Honor's silvery eyes. The other woman looked sincere. Kitty's pulse started to race. If the heiress wasn't her rival for Dylan, and Dylan was coming home to Hot Water...

An image rose in her mind, an image that rested atop a fat fantasy cloud like a cartoon depiction of a dream. Her minivan, glowing white as angel wings under the Gold Country sun. Her fully loaded minivan, with cup holders and seat-back pockets stuffed with picture books and Happy Meal toys. The VCR was running a Disney movie - anything but Pinocchio - and to complete this vehicle-in-the-air was the family man in the driver's seat. Dylan.

No. She couldn't dream that. If not with Honor, he would end up with some other appropriately pedigreed beauty. Shaking her head, Kitty stuck a mental pin in the buoyant fancy. Like a balloon, it whined in protest as it deflated, but thankfully shriveled all the same.

Once more back to reality, Kitty looked at the clipboard in her hand and then at Honor Witherspoon. "Excuse me, but I have to be getting to Old Town," she said. "It was nice talking with you."

"Old Town?" Honor perked up. "Would you mind if I tag along?"

"Oh. Well." Kitty swallowed. Honor was the new owner of the living-history district, after all, so was technically Kitty's new boss. Technically the person to whom Kitty should tender her resignation. She steeled her spine and smiled.

"As a matter of fact, that would be very convenient," she made herself say. "I have something I need to discuss with you."

Kitty led the way toward the gate that exited onto the street, all the while reminding herself there was no time like the present to get on with her life. Across the park, the press corps that had been focused on Honor the night before was now pointing cameras at Dylan. Judge Matthews was trying to discourage the reporters, without much success.

"Poor Dylan." Honor said, giving a long mock shudder. "They're particularly rabid this week. The summer doldrums, I suppose. They're desperate to find something salacious."

Even as she spoke, Dylan and Judge Matthews had managed to push past the phalanx of media types and were now striding toward the exit.

Kitty quickened her pace to stay well away from them. "I don't imagine the reporters will find much more than small-town gossip here."

"You're right. I can't see them wasting paper on the Mortons' reconciliation." Honor grinned. "Even though the details of Pearl's realization that rumors of Red's affair might be as mistaken as her need for condoms, baldness tonics, and sex manuals would be a story I'd like to read."

Kitty choked back a laugh. "You heard about that?"

She nodded. "And I adore a happy ending. But now, what did you want to talk to me about?"

They were forced to slow as the townspeople funneled through the exit. Kitty took a deep breath, telling herself she wasn't stalling, telling herself she was just taking a moment before putting into words what she'd planned to do all summer. "I hope you'll accept my resignation," she said quickly.

There. It was out. Not waiting for Honor's response, Kitty dove into the rest. "I was hoping - well, I have people covering all the necessary cleanup from Heritage Day, and I spent last night getting up-to-date on the Preservation Society's books." And packing up everything she owned, while ignoring the ringing doorbell and the ringing telephone. "I was hoping I could leave ... very soon."

Honor's eyebrows rose. "Are you sure you want to do this? I thought... Well, it seemed to me Dylan had something going with you."

"Oh, no. Dylan - " Kitty broke off as, unbidden, that gleaming fantasy rose once again in her mind, more vivid than before. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024