First And Last - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,37

obviously been given this gift to set things right. It’s time to do that.”

Sure, he was confident. I, on the other hand, sweated bullets. He latched onto my hand and I hesitantly followed behind him.

As we exited the room, the crowd hushed around us. Zia gave me a smile. Haven looked worried, obviously sensing my apprehension. Talon just gave me a reassuring nod, even though he had no idea what I was about to do. Support nonetheless felt good.

We stepped back up in the front of the demons and all eyes fell on me. “I…I…” Yes, I stammered like a fool. What to tell them? How to start?

Kyden’s growl came beside me, then he stepped forward and glared at the demons. “We won’t tolerate this impertinence.”

Yeah, that’s what I wanted to say. I could have given him a big kiss for taking the wheel.

Miss teeny-bopper glared right back. “We won’t tolerate you.”

Her curt tone annoyed me enough. The look she gave Kyden topped the cake. No one looked at him like that, except for me when he pisses me off. Anger filled me. I was sick to death of these bitches.

Sick to death of…death. Tired of being a fucking broken record.

Without even thinking of it, I stepped forward and slapped her face. I used her soft skin as an outlet for the irritation that ran through my blood. I would’ve slugged her, but it felt wrong to punch a little thing like her, even though I knew what really lived in there.

I do have a heart you know, sometimes.

The sound echoed around the room, her face snapped to the side. Slowly, she brought her gaze back to mine. “I’m so sick of this,” I shouted at her. “Do you know what I go through only a daily basis?” I hesitated, waited for her response. She didn’t give one. “Well, I’ll tell you. I’m nearly killed, constantly torn in a thousand directions, and someone I love is usually in danger.”

My anger grew and I unleashed it. “I Don’t. Want. To. Do. This.” I glanced around the room and met every gaze here. “I want you all to live in peace and just go about your business doing your Black Magic stuff. I just don’t want innocent souls to be taken. Is that seriously too much to fucking ask?” The room was dead silent while I had my little meltdown. “I. Do. Not. Want. To. Kill. You.” My words came out slow and full of rage, and ensured that she and the others here got my point. “I’ve seen enough death, but you keep pushing, driving me to only one option.”

Teeny-bopper opened her mouth, but shut it again instantly. She was obviously rendered speechless by my outburst.

“Don’t you all just want to live? There is more to life than the taking of innocent souls. Don’t you have friends? Lovers?” I drew in angry breath in and started to pace. “There’s more to life than just acting all evil and mean.”

Haven giggled behind me.

I stomped my foot and stopped in front of them. “Dammit! Well, you did this to yourself and I’m not going to feel bad about it.”

Fear crossed each of the demons faces and before they could act. I lifted my hand, and traced the pentacle in front of me. My finger tingled as energy flooded me. It didn’t take long to complete the rune and when I finished the circle, a loud swish of air grazed through the auditorium. Teeny-bopper’s hair swept across her face.

Gasps came all around me as the Pentacle growled brightly with a shimmering white light. “Er…it’s not doing anything.” I quickly glanced at Quinney.

She shrugged in return.

I looked back at the rune, and suddenly, something deep within me flared to life. This rune wasn’t like the other one I’d drawn. This one was connected to me, mine to use. I raised my hands up in the air, felt the magic from the rune pour into my soul, and when the energy was almost too much to bear, my hands shot forward and I screamed, “Banish thee.”

Just as the words left my mouth, wind poured through the auditorium, and loud piercing screams forced me to my knees. My hands covered my ears and tried to deafen the sound. I managed to open my eyes to see my magic circle around us, swirl in a foggy mist around the demons as they screamed and writhed in pain.

A second later, a flash of light erupted, and just like that, Copyright 2016 - 2024