First And Last - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,13

as I cupped his cheek. “Since coming here, I’ve been in danger constantly. Every night seems to bring more scary stuff that I wish I could avoid, but I wouldn’t change it, not for anything because it brought me you. You have been, and will continue to be, the reason I want to keep going no matter how crazy life gets. That’s why I chose this bond, because there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here in your arms.”

Still crying, Zia handed me his ring. I had chosen a platinum tungsten carbide band. The contrast between the warm hues of the platinum against the cooler shade of tungsten carbide made for an amazing looking ring. It was a thick band and perfect for him, masculine in every way.

After I placed the ring on Kyden’s finger, he wrapped his hands around my face and took me in a brilliant kiss. His tears tickled my cheeks, as I was sure mine also did his.

He backed away. Zia was still bawling. I glanced to her and smiled. “Pull it together.” I laughed.

She smiled, wiped her tears, and took a few deep breaths. Haven was just a big ball of mess in Finn’s arms but I loved her for it. She loved me unconditionally and my happiness overwhelmed her. All I felt through our bond was happiness that never needed to explanation and just utter joy.

“Let’s continue.” Zia said as she glanced between Kyden and I. “As we’ve heard, you’re being joined tonight to fulfill your lives together, to enter into a new journey. Is this your wish?”

Our gazes glued to each other, we replied in unison. “It is.”

“As it’s your wish, I seal your bond.” When her words ended, power began to whip around us. Then, a bright white light flashed before my eyes, and what happened next was completely unexpected.

I saw myself through Kyden’s eyes. Saw the way he loved me. What it meant for him. The way my smile lifted him, how my being near him settled him, and the compelling need that lived within him to see me safe.

Every moment we’d ever experienced flashed before my eyes.

When the visions stopped, my eyes opened to Kyden’s brilliant smile. With that, feelings of complete and utter love filled me. However, they weren’t my feelings, but his.

He had said it would be similar to what I felt with Haven, but this was entirely different. It captured me deeper—affected me more. I figured it had something to do with being in love. Not that I didn’t love Haven, I did, but with Kyden it went many levels deeper.

Kyden pulled me into one of his earth-shattering kisses as loud applause broke out among the crowd. When Kyden backed away, I laughed at the joy of it.

Zia hugged us and wished us well, as did Talon. Willow gave us both a rub along our legs and Haven just bawled all over me. From there, it was a hundred congratulatory hugs. When the crowd started to dissipate as they went over to the food, Azar approached. “We need to proceed with our ceremony now.”

I glanced at Kyden. He shrugged in response. Little trickles of confusion filtered through me. Mine—his? Who knew?

“Now that you have accepted Kyden as your Lord,” Azar explained. “We must also accept him too. He must agree to adhere to the laws of the Underworld.”

“Oh,” I whispered.

Amusement flickered through me. I met Kyden’s gaze again. His expression didn’t give a clue to the humor he was feeling. I liked this bonding already. His unreadable expressions were history as I looked forward to the ability to feel everything he would feel from this day forth.

Azar stepped in front of Kyden and raised his hand for the others of the Underworld to quiet. They did so instantly.

“Kyden, our Lady has taken you as her Lord. Will you do what you must to protect her, and us, your minions? Will you stand beside her and support her as our Ruler of the Underworld? Will you put personal necessities aside to keep the Underworld safe? Will you do what you must to ensure its survival?”

Kyden nodded firmly. “I will.”

No emotion came through our bond, but I knew he meant what he said.

“By the laws of the Underworld,” Azar stated. “I hereby name you Lord of the Underworld.”

Immediately, Kyden stiffened and his pain tore right through me. He was being marked as a Leader of the Underworld. I’d been granted the tattoo of my weeping willow, which rested at Copyright 2016 - 2024