First and Forever (Heartache Duet #2) - Jay McLean Page 0,54

on my own, because two dumb shits decided it would be funny to stick a three-foot dick on a door.”

Ava lets out a giggle, stroking my arm in comfort.

I turn to her.

“She has a point,” Ava says, shrugging.

“Besides,” Karen adds, “fuck those guys, Connor. Duke doesn’t care about—”

“Shh!” I cut in.

“What?” Karen eyes me sideways. “No one knows you got into Duke?”

I shake my head. “How the fuck do you know?”

Her gaze flicks to Ava for half a second, but I catch it. I face my girlfriend. She shrugs again. “Sorry. I was excited. And what does it matter now? Your season’s over, so…”

“I guess,” I murmur.

“Hey, everyone!” Ava shouts, releasing my arm finally. All eyes move to her as she throws her hands up, peace signs in the air, and yells, “My boyfriend got into Duke, motherfuckers!”

The room erupts in an ear-deafening roar, and then I’m tackled by too many guys at once. My back hits the floor, and I try to escape from under the pile of teenage boys. Ava stands above us, her arms crossed. “So hot.”

I push at as many limbs as I can see until it’s clear enough for me to crawl out from beneath them. Rhys offers me his hand, his grin from ear-to-ear. I take it, get to my feet. “Congrats, man. You deserve it!”

He’s as genuine as it gets, and I push aside the animosity I’d felt toward him because there’s nothing I can do anymore. It’s done. And Ava’s right. I got into fucking Duke. “Thanks, man.”

“Let’s drink to that instead of the loss, yeah?”

I shake my head. “I’m driving.”

He looks at Ava. “Damn, you need to get your goddamn license, A.”

“I’m working on it,” she laughs out, attaching herself to my side again.

A half hour later and not much has changed, but I can tell something’s up with Ava. She sits on my lap while we watch the footage. Or she watches, and I watch her. It’s not like the last time she was here, when she actually seemed happy to be. She hasn’t left my side, and she doesn’t engage in any conversations. I lean forward, press my mouth to the part where her neck meets her shoulder, making her squirm. She turns to me, offers a weak smile.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she tries hard to convince. “Why? Are you not having a good time?”

Honestly? No. I’d rather be somewhere with her, alone, but I know I need to be here for the team. For my friends. Even if the season is over. “I’m fine. But you seem… I don’t know… not yourself…?”

She licks her lips, her eyes on mine. Then she sighs. “I’m just worried, is all. Trevor’s not used to being alone with my mom, and I know it’s stupid considering they’re the ones who suggested this, and I want to be here for you, Connor. I do. It’s just… I can’t stop worrying.”

“So let’s go home.”

“No,” she’s quick to respond. “Like I said, I want to be here with you. I just wish I could be in two places at once.”

“Why don’t you call him?” I suggest. “Check in.”

“Because I don’t want him to feel like I don’t trust him.”

“Ava.” I tap her leg, motion for her to get up. “He’d be expecting you to call.”

She gets to her feet. “You think?”

“I know.” I stand, too, and take her hand. “Let’s go out front and call so you can stop worrying.”

The news about Duke must’ve spread like wildfire because it seemed like I was stopped every few seconds for pats on the back and congratulations while trying to make it to the front door. It takes a good half hour for Ava and me to get to the front yard, down the long-ass driveway, and onto the sidewalk where it’s finally quiet enough to hear our own thoughts.

Ava pulls her phone out of her back pocket and dials Trevor’s number. When she notices me leaning in to listen to the call, she puts it on speaker and holds it up between us.

Trevor answers with a “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Ava says. “I was just checking in.”

“I knew you would,” Trevor says through a chuckle. “Everything’s fine. Your mom’s out like a light. I’ve checked on her a few times, and now I’m going to bed.”

“Okay, she took her meds?”


I squeeze her hand. “And there’s no glass—”


“And has she—”

“Ava!” Trevor cuts in. “Everything’s good. Trust me, all right?”

Ava’s shoulders drop. “Yeah, I do… I was just…”

“Worried,” he finishes Copyright 2016 - 2024