Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,125

sad smile, shaking his head slowly. “I wish I could. There is too much to do here, they need me.”

That’s where he has me. How can I ask him to leave these people when he’s making a difference? When he’s helping people survive? I’ve seen the conditions they’re living in, I’ve even lived in some of the conditions they’re living in and worse. He feels this is where he needs to be. Can I really be so selfish as to ask him to leave everyone just to make myself feel better so I know where he is?

Feeling like a part of me is shattering, I stare deeply into his eyes, needing to know he understands the risks he’s taking. “Are you sure?” When he nods, my shoulders droop, but I hum my agreement. I won’t disagree with him or take away from the good he’s doing, but I fear for his safety. With protection on my mind, a thought pops into my head, something I must tell him before I leave. “Aileen and her father are coming with us. She’s safe.” His whole body seems to sag with relief as I speak, and he unexpectedly pulls me against his chest in a tight hug.

Once he’s composed himself, he steps away, but I can see his eyes are gleaming in the dim light of the houses. “Thank you.” His voice is rough with emotion, but I don’t mention it, knowing how tough it must have been to leave Aileen in the castle. I always suspected that with time, something romantic would happen between the two of them, but now, that might never happen.

Changing the subject, I ask about someone who’s been on my mind. “What about Jayne?” Grayson’s maid was the closest thing I ever had to a mother. I need to know what happened to her.

A genuine, wide smile fills his face, making a huge weight leave my chest. “She’s safe,” is all he tells me, and while I want to ask more and have him take me to her, I know it’s safer for her that I don’t know. Hopefully, she’s with her nephews far from here.

Biting back my disappointment at not getting to see her, I settle for running my eyes over my friend one last time. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it tightly. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too. I’m so glad you’re okay.” Wilson pauses, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand as he frowns and drops his gaze. Whatever he wants to say is causing him some distress. Finally, he sighs, and when he raises his eyes once more, his gaze is timid. “Can you tell Grayson I’m okay and that I’m sorry?”

My heart constricts tightly. Grayson was Wilson’s mentor, but also one of his closest friends. I know Grayson has been really worried about his friend since he failed to return to the guild, so he’s going to be disappointed when he learns that the young mage chose not to come with us. However, he will understand the reasons behind it, and I’m sure he will be proud of his friend.

Taking a deep breath to push back the tears that threaten to fall, I nod my head, agreeing to pass on his message. I turn to leave but pause with one last request on my lips. “Will you do me one last favour?” He arches an eyebrow as if to say ‘of course,’ but I hesitate, almost not wanting to ask. This could put him at risk, yet I can’t seem to stop myself from asking anyway. “Help the slaves?”

Concern and frustration cross his features. “Most of the slaves have gone.”

What? His statement takes me aback, but now that I think over it, I don’t remember seeing any slaves lining the corridors in the castle or walking the courtyards like they did before.

“After the culling, many risked death rather than give up their children,” he explains, reminding me of the rule the king put in place after he ordered the deaths of all the previous slaves. Everyone who had a child under the age of twenty had to give that child up into slavery.

“Those they did take went to the castle and haven’t been seen since. You didn’t see them while you were there?” Wilson inquires, his concern turning into sharp interest. I shake my head, and he hums in consideration. “Hmm, I’ll look into it,” he promises.

We hug tightly, and following the pull in my chest, I round Copyright 2016 - 2024