Fires of Treason - Erin O'Kane Page 0,95

before looking down at me.

“It’s safe, make your way up,” he says, completely ignoring my question.

Making an annoyed noise in the back of my throat, I look at the trunk and try to decide how I’m going to climb up. Bracing my foot against the tree, I try to grip the bark with my hands when something drops into my sight. A rope. With a shake of my head, I reach for the end of the cord. I’d forgotten that was in the pack.

You need to start using your head, you’re not at the castle anymore.

“Tie it around your waist and I’ll help you,” Vaeril calls down. Nodding, I pull at the rope to get some slack, then tie it in a knot around my waist.

“I’m ready,” I shout, bracing my foot against the trunk again, and start trying to climb. The rope goes taut as Vaeril pulls.

Even with his assistance, it’s hard, my limbs trembling, but after what feels like a lifetime, I make it to the top.

I look down and immediately regret it as dizziness overcomes me and I have to cling to the tree to stop myself from falling. A chuckle has me glancing up at Vaeril who’s watching me with a half smile and shaking his head. He looks pale, but in better spirits than earlier. His hand is still pressed against the tree, and he closes his eyes. For a moment, I think he’s resting, but his lips start to move like before. I watch him, intrigued, and I swear he seems better when he opens his eyes minutes later.

“We will keep watch in turns, make sure we’re not being followed, and ensure neither of us falls from the tree,” he instructs, as he leans forward and ties the other end of the rope around his waist. Vaeril gestures for me to move closer to him, patting a place next to him by the trunk. The branch we’re sitting on is wide at its base, with room enough for the both of us, but it will be snug.

“I’ll take first watch,” I offer, as I shuffle over, taking my cloak off in the process. My side is pressed right up against his as I rest against the trunk, draping the cloak over both our legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him watching me, but I focus on my task and don’t give in to the temptation to look back at him.

“Okay,” he replies, and I have to stifle my surprise. I was expecting to have to put up a fight to get him to rest. Pleased, I carefully reach forward for the pack and remove the water flask. It’s almost empty now, we’ll have to find more tomorrow if we want to make it to Galandell. Taking a sip, I turn to offer it to Vaeril, but see he’s already asleep.

I close the lid and keep it in my lap as I settle in for a long night.

“Clarissa,” Vaeril calls gently, but I still startle awake and look around as I try to work out where I am. Scrambling back, I glance down and realise I’m up in a tree.

“What—” I ask, confused as I run my hands through my hair and scrub my eyes, needing to wake up to process what’s happening.

“Are you okay?”

I look over and see the flush on his cheeks and immediately remember the events of the last couple of days. Groaning, I brush my hair from my face and try to shuffle on the tree so I’m facing him, but I end up awkwardly leaning over his body.

“I’m fine, I should be asking you that.” Lifting the water flask, I frown at its weight, and I open the lid and find that it’s full of clear, fresh water.

“Look,” Vaeril says, pointing towards our cloak-covered feet. There, resting on top of the cloak, is a small bundle of plants. I remember what he told me yesterday about a plant that could help pull the poison from his wound.

“What... is that the angel’s breath you were talking about?” I query, as I carefully reach out and grab it, examining the plant and its small leaves. How had he managed to find it, and how did he get it without waking me? We’re tied together, after all. “How did you get it?”

“I didn’t,” he replies, taking the now full flask from my hands and drinking deeply from it. “It was a gift.”

“A gift? From who?” Glancing around us, I Copyright 2016 - 2024