Fires of Ruin (War and Deceit #3) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,78

queen can keep mates separate for long. Although something Vaeril said sticks with me.

“A safety issue. Is that why she stopped Eldrin from coming with us?” I question with sudden clarity, remembering the problem with the border he’s been dealing with.

Naril nods, his face uncharacteristically solemn. “She used the rebels as the excuse, but really, she has the right to deny him permission without having to give a reason,” he answers. “He’s not your mate, after all.” He looks directly at me as he says this, and there’s an accusation in his tone that confuses me, but I’m not about to delve into that right now.

“Then why are we leaving so early if she’s okay with us going?” I inquire, confused at our early start and secrecy when she already knows.

Vaeril shakes his head once. “I don’t trust her not to cause a scene as we leave.”

This makes sense. From what little I know of the queen, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to do just that. With one last look around the room, I shift the weight of the bag on my shoulder.

“Oh, before we go, I found this outside your door. Do you have an admirer?” Naril smirks as he hands me a small package.

Ignoring his comment, I turn it in my hands and remove the fabric covering to expose the gift inside. It’s about the size of my palm and looks to be made of wood and metal. A small dial sits in the center with little arrows, and all around the item are beautiful, intricately carved images. I’ve never seen anything like it.

“What is it?” Vaeril asks, coming closer to peer over my shoulder.

“I’m not sure,” I admit, and a little noise of surprise escapes me as the dial starts to move. The arrows spin before pausing for a second, only to start moving once again.

“It’s a wayfinder,” Vaeril says with shock, and as I glance up, his face looks as surprised as he sounds. Even Naril appears astonished and comes closer to have a look at the gift. I have no idea what it is, but thankfully I’m saved from having to ask. “It’s an invention of the sea elves, one they are very secretive about. It helps navigate where you need to go. Their unique magic is imbued into it.” He looks at the item with awe, and I get the impression this unassuming object is more important than I realise.

Plucking the wayfinder from my hands, Naril raises it up to his eyes, squinting as he examines it. I can’t help but notice that the arrow stopped moving as soon as he took it from me. Letting out a whistle of appreciation, he hands it back to me. “I wouldn’t let the queen know you have this, she’s wanted one for decades. In fact, it’s been a bit of a sticking point with her,” he warns. Nodding, I wrap the wayfinder carefully back up in the fabric and remove my bag from my shoulder to put it safely away. No way am I going to leave it here unattended.

Naril watches me, his confusion evident. “But why would the sea elves give you one?”

Ignoring his emphasis on the ‘you,’ I shrug my shoulders as if it’s obvious. “The sea elf I helped yesterday. They must have given it to me as a gift.”

I act casual, but my heart is glowing. They gifted me with something they made. Grayson and Vaeril have given me things like clothing and safe spaces, but I’ve never had anything given to me in thanks before.

I hope I get to see them again so I can thank them, I think to myself, but I have a horrible, bone deep feeling that I won’t get that opportunity, that I won’t be coming back here again for a long time. Taking a deep breath, I push those feelings away.

“For them to have given it to you…they have never given one to anyone who’s not a sea elf before.” Vaeril is still watching me intently as he speaks, and I get the impression he’s implying something.

“What does that mean?” Silence meets my words, and I look between the two pensive elves. Their silence only makes me anxious. Is this a bad thing? Why is this such a big deal?

Naril is the one who finally answers me. “It means they recognise you as one of their own.”

“Will you hurry up?” Naril calls from the other side of the tree I’m leaning against, his smarmy Copyright 2016 - 2024