Fires of Ruin (War and Deceit #3) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,27

uneasy, the queen doesn’t do anything without reason and I’m sure there is something else going on here that I just can’t quite work out, but I shake my head and push those thoughts to the back of my mind. “Whatever the reason, I’m pleased to see you.” My words are honest, and he smiles in agreement, sensing my sincerity.

“And I you.” He shifts uncomfortably again, running a finger around the neckline of his jacket, pulling it away as if it’s strangling him.

“You’ll get used to that. These things are always uncomfortable,” Vaeril offers from behind me, and both myself and Kaelir look at him in shock. I recover first, simply raising a brow at his advice before turning back to the guard. He looks like he’s not quite sure what to do, in fact his expression is comical, but I work to keep my features neutral. Of course, I fail miserably at it. Kaelir sees and laughs, breaking the silence between us.

“I thought you’d be enjoying the company of the court,” he remarks, gesturing to me and the gorgeous dress I’m wearing. “You look like you were born to be here.”

Flattered, my cheeks blush pink, and I give him a rueful smile. “I feel very out of place here,” I reply honestly. With my round ears and black hair, I think I stand out like a sore thumb, but it’s nice to hear otherwise. I do wonder if he’s heard the whispers about my lineage from his comment. ‘You look like you were born to be here.’ If Jaonos really was my grandfather, then part of me was born to be here.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one!” he exclaims with a bit too much enthusiasm thanks to a glare from Vaeril.

We stay with Kaelir for a bit longer, just making small talk, but I can tell Naril and Vaeril’s presence is making him uncomfortable, so we make our excuses and head back over to where Taelir and Saril are still standing. A flash of bronze catches my eye, and I frown as I glance over, trying to work out what I’m seeing. By one of the pillars is an elf I recognise, but it takes me a couple of seconds to place how I know him.

The elf who is related to the queen.

Why is he standing by himself, and mostly obscured by the pillar, almost as if he’s hiding? And why is he staring at me? His expression makes me want to shudder again, and as if he can sense it, his smile grows. Raising a hand, he curls his finger, gesturing for me to follow him as he turns to leave.

“Vaeril—” I start, going to ask who the elf is and if we can trust him, but I’m stopped by a new presence.

“Clarissa?” The voice catches me by surprise, and when I turn, I see Tor wearing his most diplomatic smile as my companions switch their attention to him. Instantly, I forget about the mysterious elf.

“Tor!” I exclaim. Vaeril stiffens next to me, but he doesn’t say anything, simply watching the tribesman with narrowed eyes. I can feel the others observing us with interest, but I don’t look away from him in case the queen takes him when I’m not looking.

“Would you dance with me?”

I remember back to when we were both at Arhaven and he asked me the same thing. At the time, he had scared me. He was so different than the humans there that his raw masculinity and roughness made me wary of him, but there was something about him that drew me to him. As I got to know him more, I learned to see past the coarseness and focus on the man underneath. The man who risked his life to help servants and children escape from a kingdom that he owes no allegiance to, who offered to help me escape—a woman he barely knew.

“Of course,” I agree, not needing to think about it as I place my hand in his. We start to move towards the dance floor when I’m stopped by a hand on my arm. I follow that hand back to Vaeril, who’s watching me with a frown and hurt shining in his eyes.

“Alina,” is all he says, begging me with his eyes not to go. Something inside me flinches, but I push it away, needing to see Tor.

“I’m only going to dance, I won’t be far,” I assure him softly, but something tells me this is about more than Copyright 2016 - 2024