Firefight (Reckoners #2) - Brandon Sanderson Page 0,125

still on the trigger, exploding into a glowing afterimage. I spun around, catching him as he teleported behind me. This time he looked surprised as I shot him.

As his form exploded for the second time, I threw myself off the side of the building and thrust my hand downward. Thankfully, the spyril jet worked, slowing me. I used its stream to push myself into the building through a broken window, where I ducked down and froze.

I didn’t have time to deal with Obliteration right now. Getting to Prof and the team was more important. I—

Before I could form my next thought, Obliteration exploded into existence beside me. “I read John the Evangelist’s account a dozen times before destroying Houston,” he said to me.

I yelped and shot him. He vanished, then appeared on the other side of me.

“I wondered which of his horsemen I was, but the answer was more subtle than that. I read the account too literally. There are not four horsemen; it is a metaphor.” He met my gaze. “We have been released, the ones who destroy, the swords of heaven itself. We are the end.”

I shot him, but he discharged a burst of heat so powerful that it overwhelmed Prof’s forcefield. I gasped and the bullet I’d fired melted away. I threw up my arm as the ground vaporized, then the wall, and then half my body.

For a moment, I was not.

Then my skin grew back, the bone re-formed, and my train of thought started again. It was as if I’d skipped a beat in time, just a fraction of a moment. I was left breathing deeply, sitting on the blackened floor of the room.

Obliteration cocked his head at me and frowned. Then he vanished. I rolled and fell out the window before he could return, engaging the broken spyril to stop me from dropping into the water below.

Sparks! The blast had vaporized the handjet, along with … well, half my body. I still had the streambeam, Megan’s pistol, and my rifle—and fortunately, the single jet on my foot worked as I engaged it. But my jeans were completely missing one leg, and there was no sign of the broken half of the spyril.

Without the handjet, I couldn’t maneuver. I launched myself down the street to another building and made it into a window—this one had mostly been unbroken, and crashing through it left gashes on my skin.

The wounds healed, but not as quickly as before. Things, I realized, were about to get very dangerous. When Prof granted us power via our jackets, it ran out after taking a few hits. He’d given me a big dump of healing ability, but it seemed I was reaching the limits. Not good.

I ran through the building and pulled up in a hallway. Back to a wall, I let out a huge breath.

Obliteration exploded into existence just inside the window I’d broken through. I caught sight of him, but ducked back down the hallway before he spotted me.

“And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering,” Obliteration called, “and laid it upon Isaac his son. He took the fire in his hand, and a knife, and they went both of them together.…”

I felt sweat trickle down the sides of my face as Obliteration stepped into the hallway and spotted me. I pulled around the corner, out of his sight.

“Why are you working with Regalia?” I called out, my back to the wall. “You congratulated me for destroying Steelheart. She’s just as bad.”

“And so I will end her eventually,” Obliteration said. “It is part of our arrangement.”

“She’ll betray you.”

“Likely,” Obliteration agreed. “But she has given me knowledge and power. She has taken a piece of my soul, and it lives on without me. And so, I become the seeds of the end of time itself.” He paused. “She had not warned me that she had persuaded the archangel to grant you a portion of his glory.”

“You can’t kill me,” I called, glancing down the hallway at him. “There’s no reason to try.”

He smiled and frost crept forward down the darkened hallway, reaching like fingers toward me, freezing a fruit that hung from a vine like a single lightbulb above. “Oh,” Obliteration continued, “I think that you’ll find a man can do many things thought impossible, if he tries hard enough.”

I had to deal with him. Quickly. I made a snap decision and withdrew the suppressor on the front of my gun. Then I ducked around the corner and shot him, making Copyright 2016 - 2024