Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,71

was bound back in the style of warriors.

Drake and Mace stood, as did Krysta. She was a Guardswoman and had been a warrior of the Jinn even before settling in Castleton. The fair warriors were male and female, a matched set. Krysta took the female’s measure while her mates eyed the male, and she found herself filled with respect. These were not frivolous folk, wearing their leathers for show. No, she could tell at a glance these were true warriors.

Gryffid rose to make the introductions. “My friends, these are my Captains of the Guard, Lilith and Gerrow.”

“Two captains?” Mace asked, cocking one brow in question.

Gryffid laughed. “They are a mated pair. I couldn’t let one outrank the other, now could I? Never let it be said that I was the cause of disharmony among mates.” Both warriors smiled as Gryffid laughed and returned to his seat.

“I’m Drake.” The bard offered a smile and a hand in the way of warriors, close to the other couple as he was. “This is Krysta, Mace, Jenet and Nellin.” The dragons’ heads rose over the backs of their chairs, blinking in acknowledgment.

“Well met,” Gerrow’s voice rolled over them as he bowed briefly to the dragons.

“We were foretold of your coming,” Lilith said from his side, her voice higher pitched and every bit as musical, “but nothing could prepare us to see two such dragons over our island. They are a sight to behold.” The pair took seats at the table and made themselves comfortable.

As far as Krysta was concerned, the woman was all right. No one could fake the admiration and awe in Lilith’s voice, and anyone who admired Nellin and Jenet had good judgment, in Krysta’s opinion.

“We’ve had the pleasure of helping to train young William these past years. We’ll be sorry to see him go.” The male warrior dug into a platter, serving himself from the bounty laid on the table. The others followed suit.

“Then you’re letting him go?” Mace addressed Gryffid.

“Yes, of course, Sir Mace. It was never my intention to keep him indefinitely. I only borrowed him for a few years.” The wizard chuckled but Krysta watched William’s face. He seemed troubled, though he kept his eyes down and his attention on his plate as the conversation flowed around him.

After the main meal was served, a place was cleared in the middle of the hall and a few of the fair folk brought out instruments. They began with soft tunes while the rest of the hall was cleared, warming up a bit as the last stragglers finished their meals and sweets were laid on each table for those who wished to partake.

Lilith eyed the minstrels then turned to Drake.

“Perhaps you would favor us with a song?”

Her mate, Gerrow frowned. “A bard? I thought he was a knight.”

“Apparently—” Drake raised his eyebrows, “—I’m both.”

Lilith put one hand over her mate’s on the table. “Beloved, don’t you recognize Drake of the Five Lands?”

Gerrow’s fair face flushed. “Forgive me. Is this true? You are the famous Jinn bard?”

“One and the same. Being partnered with Jenet is rather new to me, so your pardon if I don’t quite see myself as a ‘knight’. I have little training in the ways of dragon knights, though I’m hopeful Mace and Nellin won’t mind helping me learn my new role.”

Mace almost cracked a smile as he nodded, though Nellin didn’t stir from where he lay, neck entwined with his mate. The poor creature was besotted with Jenet, and who could blame him?

“We’ve heard many of your compositions, brought back to us from those who venture off the island from time to time.” Lilith’s eyes sparkled at Drake, but Krysta didn’t fear the beautiful woman would even try to turn his head. Lilith and she were equals. Warrior women who understood each other. That much was clear.

Drake looked uncertain. “I doubt I could entertain any better than your people. Fair folk are reputed to have the most beautiful voices in the world. I don’t think I can compete.” A sheepish smile softened his refusal, but Krysta heard the very real doubt in his words.

“What’s this? Drake of the Five Lands, uncertain about his talent?” Gryffid scoffed. “You’re a natural bard, my boy. Don’t let these blond fools intimidate you. The ones who go abroad all return singing your praises and your songs.” The wizard winked, smiling conspiratorially.

“Well…” Drake actually flushed, color riding his chiseled cheekbones, surprising Krysta, “…if you’re sure. And if someone could loan me an instrument, Copyright 2016 - 2024