Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,4

chest with her nose.

“I love you, Papa Dec, even if you are as stubborn as your son.”

Declan shocked Drake by laughing and reaching out to rub Jenet’s pretty head with his big, battle-scarred hands. Maybe his father had mellowed over the intervening years, but Drake was reserving judgment.

When Jenet lifted away, the two men were left facing each other. Drake almost dreaded the serious look in his father’s blue eyes.

“Son, I’m done trying to run your life. You’re too old for that now anyway.” The self-conscious chuckle, as well as the words, stunned Drake. “You were still just a boy when you left here, but even then I respected your willingness to stand up for yourself—to stand up to me. I’ll admit I didn’t always handle things between us as well as I ought. It took your leaving to make me realize that for all your youth, you were already a man. In the years since, Nico has been kind enough to let us know what you’ve been up to, though your mother still worried. It took me too long to realize you wouldn’t come crawling back—that you’d made quite a bit of yourself—all on your own, and I couldn’t be more proud, though I take none of the credit. You found your way in life despite my interference. You’re a good man, Drake, and you’ve done your family proud, though I could’ve wished things had been different for Jenet’s sake, and your mother’s. They’ve missed you, son. And for the record, there is no man worthier to partner our little girl than you.”

Stunned, Drake could do little more than return the fierce hug his father bestowed on him then, while the proud golden dragon who was his father’s partner watched over from above. When, at length, Declan moved off, Drake was left facing Arlis, the mighty gold dragon who was also Jenet’s sire.

“You’ve behaved like the idiot Ren named you, Drake,” the dragon began, “but you’ve also done good service to the dragons and people of this land, even from afar.”

Drake didn’t know where the somewhat austere dragon was going with his words and was even a little afraid of what Arlis might say next. Arlis had always been a quiet dragon—a deep thinker who spoke only after much deliberation—or on the odd occasion when his temper got the better of him.

“Welcome back.” Arlis’s gleaming golden head dipped down so his jeweled topaz gaze could pin Drake in place. “Work things out as you will, but don’t hurt my girl again.”

Drake took the warning to heart. Dragons in general—and this dragon in particular—were not to be trifled with. Displeasing a dragon could have dire consequences.

“I’ll do my best, Arlis, but I’m only here to deliver a message. I’ll be leaving again as soon as I’ve done so.”

At this, the king stepped into the charged silence. “Do I have to issue a royal command to get you to visit your own family, Drake?” His tone was teasing, but King Roland’s expression was serious.

“Not to worry, Rol.” Prince Nico clapped his brother on the shoulder. “I’m sure I can think of some task to keep my Spymaster nearby for a bit. Perhaps he could help us with the influx of Jinn in the new town. He is one of their celebrities, you know.”

“Excellent idea,” Roland replied with a calculating grin.

Mention of the Jinn brought back to Drake the purpose of his journey. He turned pained eyes on his family. “I promise to see you all later, but right now I must complete my mission here.”

It was Declan who motioned the family to withdraw. “We know you have important matters to discuss and we’ll leave you to it, but it’s good to see you, son. I’ll expect you to keep your promise.” Declan and Arlis turned to leave, Ren and Lilla not far behind.

Drake’s mother hugged him before following. “I’ll expect you for dinner tonight, if you finish your business in time. I’ll make all your favorite dishes.”

Drake couldn’t say no and found himself sighing with relief as the room cleared. The thing he’d feared and dreaded most about his return to Draconia had just occurred and he was still standing. Perhaps this homecoming wouldn’t be as bad as he’d always imagined. Turning back to the king, Drake was startled to see Jenet still there. She’d always followed him like a shadow since she’d first learned to toddle around, so he shouldn’t be surprised, yet it was odd to have her around Copyright 2016 - 2024