Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,11

looked up at the dragon, a little dumbfounded by her silent presence.

Drake came to the man’s rescue. “Lady Jenet was just passing by,” Drake said with a significant glance at the dragon.

Devyn bowed low with almost humorous respect. “I thank you, Lady Jenet. Please be welcome in my…uh…tavern yard anytime.”

The dragon seemed to chuckle, sending a small stream of smoke upward on the soft currents of night air. Her gaze sparkled and gleamed as she lowered her head in a nod of acknowledgement and Drake laughed.

“You may need to rethink your building plans, my friend, if you invite many more dragons to your door.”

Devyn’s gaze grew calculating. “I hear the king pays well for any livestock the dragons eat.”

“There is a marking system,” Drake told the tavern keeper. “If you keep a herd, you mark the ones eligible for the dragons and they will leave the rest of the herd be. It’s a system that has worked in this land for generations.”

“I’ve also heard the royal castle is teeming with dragonkind. All the rooms are rumored to be open to them, built on a scale appropriate for their size.” Devyn was looking Lady Jenet over from the tip of her tail to the top of her head, obviously noting her size for future reference.

“That I can confirm as truth,” Drake agreed. “Dragons are welcome everywhere within the castle.”

“How do you know?” Krysta was intrigued enough to challenge the bard’s assertions.

His blue-eyed gaze focused on her again and she felt the impact down to her toes. Accompanied by a slow smile, his expression was pure invitation. One she dared not accept.

Drake shrugged. “I grew up there. Jenet—” Drake reached nonchalantly up to stroke the dragon’s glimmering neck with what looked like true affection, “—is my sister, of sorts. I was just a child when she hatched, and we grew up together.”

“Your father is a knight?” Krysta had never heard such whisperings in all the gossip that constantly circulated about Drake.

Again he shrugged, but she could see a slight defensiveness enter his gaze. “Both of them are.”

“Both?” Krysta found it hard to hide her surprise. Such things were spoken of, but she’d never met anyone who was part of such a union before.

“Ah, yes.” Devyn nodded knowingly, grinning. “I’ve heard about knights and their mates. Two men share one wife.” The older man shook his head. “It seems strange, but I’ve seen stranger yet in my travels.”

“It’s not so strange when you consider that few women can live with dragons. Not many are willing to share their lives and their homes with their husbands’ dragon partners. Fewer still can communicate with dragonkind.” Drake’s expression grew shuttered and a bit mysterious. “There are other reasons as well, believe me. The dragons and knights are bonded on a very deep level. That bond affects every aspect of their lives, and their mate’s life as well.”

“Sir Declan.” It came to Krysta in a flash, just who Drake’s father must be. “You look just like him. He’s your father, isn’t he?”

Drake bowed his head in acknowledgment, though he didn’t speak. Krysta had seen Sir Declan and his mighty golden dragon, Arlis, when she’d been sworn in as a Guard. They had come to the ceremony, along with their fighting partners, Sir Ren and the lovely red dragon named Lilla. Both knights had a special interest in the Castleton Guard corps and had personally welcomed each of the new recruits. Krysta had been impressed by the men at the time, and the dragons, of course. She thought she’d never see more beautiful creatures, but she’d been wrong. Lady Jenet was even more gorgeous than her parents, if Krysta’s suspicions were correct.

Krysta stepped forward to address the dragon. “Your mother and father are Lady Lilla and Sir Arlis. Are they not?”

With a sparkle in her eye, the young female dragon nodded.

“I met them once,” Krysta said in reverent tones to the beautiful creature. “You are the perfect blend of their colors. Amazing.” Krysta couldn’t help the soft note that came into her voice. The dragon before her was truly beautiful. “You’re gorgeous, Lady Jenet.”

The dragon shocked her by reaching down her big head and butting her with a gentle touch in the abdomen.

“She likes it when you rub just behind her eye ridges,” Drake said helpfully, a smile lighting his sinful gaze as he demonstrated. “Like this.”

Tentatively, Krysta lifted one hand to stroke the surprisingly smooth scales on the dragon’s head. She’d never touched a dragon before and Copyright 2016 - 2024