Fire Within - By Ally Shields Page 0,80

following her. His watchfulness made her even edgier. Before she jumped out of her skin, Ryan called.

“The money’s gone,” he reported. “He gave them a roll of bills, and they went on a shopping spree. A car, a home theatre, and several cases of beer. Guess they thought there’d be more when they finished the job, or they just couldn’t resist. Anyway, they spent it all. Good luck tracking it down at a car dealer or electronics merchant. Besides, it will have gone to the bank by now.”

“And be impossible to trace.”

They hung up. Another good idea shot down.

“There’s got to be a way,” she said, dropping the phone on the counter as she resumed her restless walking. “We can’t wait around doing nothing.”

“No, not an option,” Andreas agreed, straightening in his chair and resting his elbows on his knees. “There is another complication I had hesitated to mention earlier.”

“What now?” Ari stopped pacing. “Are we ever going to get a break?”

“Not yet. Last night a group of nest leaders petitioned Prince Daron for permission to hunt the killer. He refused, of course, but the younger hotheads are on the verge of striking out on their own.”

“By hunting, you mean hunting to kill, don’t you? And they think the person they’re looking for is human.”

Andreas nodded, and Ari stifled an urge to kick the nearest wall. Such a hunt would be bloody for both sides. If the vampires attacked the humans, they’d be hunted in return.

“Are the Pure Bloods behind this?”

“No, the leaders of that group are out of circulation, but there are many who share their sentiments.”

“What do you mean by out of circulation?” she asked, momentarily diverted.

“Nothing important.”

“Are they dead? Or going to die?”

They locked eyes.


Maybe Rita was right when she said they’d been sent out of town. Ari was relieved. The gang members might be crude and nasty, but she couldn’t condone their murder. Whatever else happened to them was out of her hands, and they probably deserved it. Ari shrugged. Maybe she should trust Andreas’s judgment.

“Should I be worried, or can Daron control the vampires?” she asked instead.

Andreas’s expression flickered at her blunt question. “No reason for concern yet, but it may become necessary for Daron’s court to provide a greater presence on the streets. I could be pulled away at any moment. Lucien is informing the Magic Council of the unrest. I think you and Lt. Foster will hear from your employers.”

“Just what we need, something else to think about.” Sarcasm was one way of letting off steam. Ari felt a growing tension, unease, a hint of foreboding. She flexed her stiff shoulders. Too many complications, and she was running out of steam. She opened the fridge and peered inside, looking for a quick energy boost. It was pretty much empty, except for soda and apples. “Tomorrow could be a very long day,” she said over her shoulder. “At least none of your vamps will be hunting during daylight. It’ll give me time to research, maybe figure something out. How about taking a break? Do you drink soda?”

Andreas didn’t respond, and when the silence began to grow, Ari peeked around the fridge door. One of her complications was leaning casually against the kitchen wall, watching her every move. Her pulse picked up tempo. She thought about the bottle of Chianti in her cupboard and about the fierce inner dialogue she’d had the day of its purchase. An argument that seemed to be over now. She closed the fridge and rested a hip against the kitchen counter. “Why aren’t you singing at the club tonight?”

“Our business was more important.” His slow smile said he was no longer referring to murders and demons.

“Was it? Well, now that you’re here, what would you like to do? Watch a little TV? Have a drink? Or,” she returned his smile, butterflies fluttering in her stomach, “something more satisfying?”

His pupils flickered as he absorbed the open invitation.

Ari was glad she’d surprised him. “I have a bottle of Chianti.”

“Were you anticipating company?” He still didn’t move, but his magic reached out to touch hers, and Ari’s body tightened in anticipation.


“Perhaps the Chianti can wait.” Andreas straightened from the wall and glided forward, his arms slipping around her waist. She met his lips halfway. Soft and firm, gentle, demanding, insistent. Her senses flared at the touch of his hair brushing her forehead, the smell of his cologne. His hands made possessive circles on her back, pulling her in. Deepening the kiss, Andreas drew Copyright 2016 - 2024