Fire Within - By Ally Shields Page 0,16

reeled with information: cigarette and cigar smoke—no bans in the Otherworld—spilled beer, the rancid smell of animal, the pungent odor of over-stimulated sex glands, and the almost overpowering presence of Otherworld energy. Sometimes sensitivity was a handicap, and Ari hurried to shut down much of her alert system.

Lilith and Ari were dressed in simple jeans and shirts to blend with the bar crowd. Not that they would go unnoticed. Lilith’s size D’s always drew plenty of male attention. And management had been watching them from the moment Ari flashed her Guardian ID at the door. It had been the only alternative to giving up her weapons. A silver knife was concealed in her waist sheath, protective charms on a bracelet tucked inside her sleeve, and a derringer loaded with two silver bullets in an ankle holster. She liked to be prepared. The witch fire was reserved for only critical situations, and she never willingly surrendered her weapons.

They mingled with the crowd for a while, occasionally approached by guys with a questioning eye. Each was brushed off with a hard look. Ari carried a beer in one hand for show; Lilith sipped at hers. The heavy metal music and crowd noise were deafening and escalating by the minute. They’d made it halfway around the room, when Lilith tugged on Ari’s sleeve.

“There’s Rayden. Now what?”

The vampiress she pointed to was talking with two male vamps. Rayden held a glass of red wine in one hand and was running her other hand up and down the arm of one of her male companions. The long, straight, black hair, red miniskirt, black blouse, and black boots gave her a rather Goth look. So original.

When Ari stopped in front of Rayden, the vampiress looked her up and down with a neutral eye.

“Are you Rayden?” Ari asked.

“And you are?”

“Arianna Calin. Is there someplace we can talk?” They were practically shouting at one another to be heard.

“About what?”


The vampiress scowled, vibrating with sudden tension.

Hmm. Touchy. Rayden hadn’t made a hostile move, so Ari waited, keeping a bland face and minimizing her own reaction. Not that she wasn’t alert. Every witch sense was on fire.

“Name’s familiar. You a cop?” Rayden finally asked. “I don’t talk to cops.”

“I’m the Guardian for Olde Town.”

“Same difference.” Rayden started to turn away.

“No, it’s not the same,” Lilith said, stepping forward. “She helped us protect Prince Daron last year. Almost got herself killed to save him.”

“Is that so?” Rayden looked at Ari with interest this time. “Lilith, I didn’t know you hung around with humans.”

“I don’t remember doing so. If you mean Ari, she’s a witch. Something wrong with your nose?”

“Watch it, kitty. She’s got human in her blood. I can smell it.” The vampiress sniffed and stared at Ari’s neck. “Makes me thirsty.”

A big vamp dude suddenly appeared next to them. “Anything wrong here, Guardian? You got business in our establishment?”

“Nothing wrong. You the management?” Ari said, standing her ground.

He nodded. “Close enough. We don’t want any trouble.”

“There won’t be any. Just having a chat. And I won’t be long.”

He looked at the vampiress. “That how you see it, Rayden?”

“Run along, honey. We’re not going to break any of your chairs.”

She gave him an evil smile, but he acted reassured. He shrugged, ended his involvement with a brief, “Keep it civil,” and walked away.

Ari turned back to the vampiress. “I didn’t come here to discuss my parentage. I’m trying to find out what happened to Jules. I thought you’d be interested.”

“Human bitch’s brother shot him. What else is there to know?” Rayden’s voice was taut, angry. “And you got him locked up where I can’t reach him.”

“What if that’s not what happened? But, if you’re not interested…” Ari turned to walk away.

“Wait.” Rayden reached out a hand as if to grab her, but then seemed to think better of it. “Are you serious?” She sounded less certain now. And definitely interested.

“Yes,” Ari said, giving her a direct look. “Want to talk now?”

“How about we step outside?” Lilith suggested.

Rayden’s gaze flitted back and forth between them. She nodded, set down her wine glass and led the way—long strides, hips swaying. Ari ignored the runway walk and followed her outside, Lilith close behind.

Once on the street, Rayden lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply, letting the smoke roll from her nostrils. She didn’t have to worry about lung cancer, but being a vampire didn’t prevent her from looking ridiculous. Ari refrained from making a smart remark.

“Now what’s this all about?” Rayden demanded.

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