Fire Within - By Ally Shields Page 0,106

banishing potion, the energy level dropped to almost nothing. Not enough to support two, even if one was a ghost. At first, I didn’t know which of you had survived.” She turned away, afraid of giving away too much of what she had felt, and addressed Ryan’s concern. “As for a body, who’s to know you don’t have one? Carry something out in a body bag. Announce his death. If anyone asks, he’ll be cremated at public expense. It’s not like there are relatives to complain.”

Ryan wrinkled his forehead in disapproval. He was a black and white guy, didn’t like deception, but appeared to be thinking it over. Ari figured he’d agree in the end. After all, what else could he do? He couldn’t tell the public about demons.

“OK, the demon’s gone, but how do we put a stop to Sebastian’s efforts?” Russell had helped the vamps pack their blood equipment, but obviously kept track of the conversation. “It may take a while for him to think up another scheme, but he won’t quit now. We’ve stopped him twice.”

“Next time, we will be better prepared,” Andreas said. “Although, I am not convinced Daron will wait for Sebastian to make the next move.” His mouth suddenly curled into a smile. “Whatever happens, the danger is over for today. The future will simply have to wait. I am inviting everyone to join me at the re-opening of Club Dintero.”

Ari jerked her head up. She’d temporarily forgotten about the opening. The sudden shift into the normal, everyday world was disorienting. She looked down at her blood-soaked shirt.

“Maybe some of us need to stop for a change of clothes first,” Andreas amended.

“I guess the club’s a fitting place for the day to end,” Russell said. “Considering what lies ahead.”

Lilith rolled her eyes, while Marcus barked a short laugh.

“What’s so funny? Did I miss something? Why is it fitting?” Ryan frowned, watching the others head for the door.

“He’s referring to the club’s name,” Ari said.

“Dintero? Why? What’s it mean?”

Andreas’s eyes met Ari’s, and they grinned at one another. He grabbed her hand.

Russell was the one who finally answered. “It means Destiny.”


Bella head-butted her mistress's chin until Ari opened one eye to meet Bella's green-eyed stare. The damn cat was scowling. Ari wondered if bringing home a familiar had been a mistake.

“Okay, I’m getting up,” Ari grumbled. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed, slipping on the Birkis Claris had given her for her last birthday. After she splashed cold water on her face and threw on shirt and jeans, she turned on the coffee pot.

It had been two days since the confrontation with Shale—or Chzebar. Her body was sluggish, a letdown from the tension of the last four weeks. Bella had woken her at dawn by patting her face with gentle paws, but Ari had managed to stave her off for an added hour of sleep. She had no appointments today, no known killers stalking the city, and her boyfriend wouldn’t be up for hours.

When Bella was fed and Ari was drinking her first cup of coffee, she half-heartedly considered a morning run. The doorbell chimed, and Ari’s gaze swiveled to Bella. Was this why Bella had gotten her up? Was she a genuine familiar?

Adrenaline dispelled Ari’s lethargy. It wasn’t quite 7:00. Who would be here, unannounced, at this time of day?

She grabbed her derringer and approached the door. A look through the peephole fed her suspicions. She saw no one. Seriously on alert, she kept the security chain in place, stayed off to one side, and eased the door open a fraction.

Now she saw her visitor. An elderly, four-foot-tall wood nymph. He looked vaguely familiar.

“Arianna Calin?” he asked, squinting at her through the crack.

“Who’s asking?”

“I’m Yana’s father.”

“Mr. Montrey! Ah, just a moment. I’ll let you right in,” she said as she grabbed clothes off the couch, stuffed them and her derringer under the bed, and raced back to fumble with the chain. “I’m so sorry.” She swung the door open. “Please, come in.”

Ari was embarrassed that she’d kept him waiting and even more so that she hadn’t recognized him. His daughter had been her mentor, her friend, and the former Guardian in Riverdale. She hadn’t seen him since Yana’s murder last fall.

“It is I who should apologize for appearing so early and without warning,” he said. “But I do not own a phone to call ahead, and I felt some urgency in the matter.”

“No problem. It’s fine. Please, tell me how Copyright 2016 - 2024