Fire (Pirate Cove Academy #3) - Rae Foxx Page 0,4

it on the floor? The squishy shit is nasty.”

Of course Caspian would love the fact that my father’s decapitated head made icky noises.

“Yeah, that will be fun, let’s just call it bowling for baddies” I finally allowed myself to smile despite the circumstances.

“You’ll be doing the rolling, or the dumping, or whatever you decide,” I added. “You’re doing this.”

“Oh, even more fun.” He took the bag from me as we rounded the corner toward Garrison’s chambers.

While Caspian knocked on the door, I scrambled to find a hiding place. Across the hall from Garrison’s room there was another, I turned a knob and found it empty so I tucked myself inside, leaving only a splinter of the door open so I could watch.

A string of grumbling curses came from the other side, and I swore the entire floor bounced as the booming of the headmaster’s steps got closer to the door.

Caspian turned and smiled at me before balling his fist and banging on the door even louder. The large wooden entrance shook with the force of his blows, only to cause a new string of curses to come from the other side. Still, the door didn’t open.

Our plan was really going to be fucked if Rounded and Buck-Toothed didn’t open that door right now. We were counting on his unplanned reaction.

Caspian raised his fist once more, but before he could knock a third time, the door flung open. Garrison filled almost the entire space as he leaned on the frame. His greyish skin was rage-blushing and every whisker of his robust mustache pointed in a different direction. He reached down when he realized his striped pajama top had turned into a crop top sometime in his sleep and jerked it down over his belly.

“Oh, Caspian, it’s you. I’m certainly surprised to see you here. The last I was informed, Raven had marked you as a traitor. She did quite a bit of damage to you, if I recall correctly.” His belly moved up and down as he chuckled, the sound filling the air and turning my stomach. “The last time we saw you, you were with the princess. Some unsavory business with a pirate. I thought I made it clear that you were unwelcome at this school after that.”

“Look, Garrison, let’s cut the shit. I don’t have time for this and it looks like you need another year or two of sleep. What’s going on around here? I mean, I’ve got to be able to report something to my mother, and so far, all I have is that there are a bunch of Sirens around here that don’t belong. What the fuck gives?”

Garrison side-stepped a few times like he was warming up for a run instead of answering the question. He stuttered a few times before settling on a definitive, “Ummm…”

His mustache moved like a see-saw on top of his upper lip. “What are you talking about? I’m not sure what you’re even doing here.”

Caspian casually slid a foot between the door and its frame, in case the walrus decided to shut the door in his face. He quirked his head as he said, “You know what I’m talking about. We need to know who’s in charge. You’re just going to stand around and be the lackey for whoever’s running this show? Tell me who it is so I can join you.”

“I…” The man stuttered and bent forward to look down the hall as though he were expecting a visitor in the middle of the fucking night. Eeew, Raven probably did visit him in the middle of the night. The thought made a shudder pass through me.

“Again, I have no clue what you are talking about. How dare you speak to the leader of this school this way? You need a mental health check and an attitude adjustment while you’re at it! The nerve, showing up at my room during the middle of the night.”

“I see you’re going to play dumbass here. That’s fine. I figured as much. Maybe I have something to jostle that memory of yours.” Caspian swung the pillowcase a few times while Garrison’s eyes widened and he took a few steps back. He probably thought that Caspian intended to beat the shit out of him with whatever was in it.

He pinched the two corners of the closed end of the pillowcase and turned it over. My father’s head, then the crown, plopped onto the ground in front of Garrison’s door. The crown turned around like a top Copyright 2016 - 2024