Fire Maidens Scotland (Billionaires & Bodyguards #6) - Anna Lowe Page 0,84


Liam banged a fist into his palm. “We never should have let her elude us in Paris.”

Lachlan grimaced. “There’s a common thread, I’m afraid. We follow an honor code, while our enemies have no such standards. We can’t afford to let another slip through our fingers.”

“Hopefully, there won’t be another,” Roger Birch-Thompson said. “Enzo was the mastermind. Without him, the entire organization will likely fall apart.”

“There are always a few aspiring youngsters.” Lady Montgomery sighed.

Liam shook his head. “Jacqueline is the greatest danger. She’s bitter, jealous, and greedy for power.”

Bitch, Gemma mouthed as Liam went on.

“I fear we haven’t heard the last from her.”

“Well, it was a good thing double the usual number of guards were on duty,” Holly piped up.

Lachlan nodded. He’d insisted on the incoming and outgoing guards overlapping as extra protection for Holly, and it had paid off.

“Any sightings of Jacqueline since then?” he asked.

Fergus shook his head. “Not in Scotland nor elsewhere in the UK. By now, she could be anywhere in Europe or beyond.”

Liam made a face. “Beyond would be good, but I have my doubts.”

Silence set in as everyone chewed over his ominous words.

Holly nudged Lachlan, reminding him of something she’d said.

“There is one success we can claim,” he said. Everyone turned expectantly. “For the first time in generations, Guardian forces from across Europe united around a common cause. Every region provided security forces, and those forces worked well together.”

Almost as well as the men he’d worked with in the Foreign Legion. And exactly as part of him had mourned when he’d left the service, he mourned now. That was the one aspect of the job at Gleninnis he’d truly enjoyed. The camaraderie. The mixed group of shifters with vastly different backgrounds. That feeling of solidarity.

But with Enzo gone, the security job was gone, and that tight-knit group would be disbanded.

It’s not ending, Holly whispered, reading his mind. She tilted her head toward Liam as one example — just one of many, Lachlan knew. Tony. Duncan. Henry. All different species, all loyal friends. Those friendships and working relationships would endure even with this mission completed.

And our new mission is our best ever, his dragon pointed out. Making our mate happy. Forever.

He grinned. That, he certainly looked forward to.

Lady Montgomery tapped her fingers pensively. “Only time shall tell what may come of that errant she-dragon. In the meantime, we have another pressing issue. Angus MacGregor’s death leaves us with a vacant seat on the Council of Guardians.”

“Two.” Fergus stood. “I must offer my resignation. I was blind to my brother’s intentions and thus failed the very group I vowed to serve.”

Everyone looked up, gaping. Penelope blew her nose and shot her father a bolstering look that said, We’ll get through this.

Lady Montgomery shook her head. “My dear Fergus, that will not be necessary. Scotland needs you. However, your brother’s seat must be filled, as much as it grieves us to do so.” She looked at Lachlan. “What do you say, lad? I believe you have proven your qualifications. And truthfully, well…” She looked around the table of graybeards. “The Council could use some fresh new faces.”

Lachlan’s heart thumped. Everyone was nodding. Holly was beaming. Liam nudged him, telling him to jump at the chance he’d worked so hard toward for so long.

The funny thing was, his emotions weren’t what he expected. There was a rush of pride, to be sure, but no chorus of angels in his mind, no My life is now complete sense of satisfaction. No soul-deep peace at having achieved what really counted in life.

One look at Holly, on the other hand, provided all that — and more — in spades. His pulse skipped, and his chest swelled. She’d chosen him — him! — as her mate. Forever.

And there it was — the satisfaction. The lightbulb moment. That feeling of I did it. Above all, the anticipation of a wonderful future.

He smiled at Holly. Probably a goofy smile, but what the hell. Love did that to a man.

But everyone was waiting expectantly, so he bowed his head and considered. Actually considered instead of jumping on the chance while he could.

He hesitated, catching himself going over reasons to decline. Bloody hell. Was he really going to turn the chance down?

Yes, he decided. And it wouldn’t even pain him, because he’d found what really counted in life.

He smiled at Holly, then cleared his throat. “Lady Montgomery, it would be an honor, but perhaps…insensitive, given the circumstances. I must decline.”

A hubbub broke out. “Decline? Why Copyright 2016 - 2024