Fire Maidens Scotland (Billionaires & Bodyguards #6) - Anna Lowe Page 0,41

the equation, but he refused to let it get in the way.

“Exactly your problem,” Tony muttered.

“Say again?” Lachlan growled. Had he let that thought slip out of his mind?

Tony cleared his throat and looked out the window. “I said, no problem. And, look — the rain has finally stopped. I’d better get a run in before it starts again. How anyone survives in this climate, I don’t know.”

Lachlan took a last swig of his whisky and headed for the door, stripping his sweater off as he went. Bit by bit, he released his dragon from its inner cage, getting ready to shift. Damn it all. When he caught up with Holly, he’d…he’d…

His dragon lashed its tail. Oh, I have a few ideas.

Chapter Eleven

Holly tilted her right wing, slicing the air in a tight turn. Then she did the same on the left, swinging the other way. Boy, did it feel good to be flying again.

Soaring, her dragon corrected. Fast and high.

The clouds parted just enough for moonlight to bounce off the surface of the loch, making it shimmer brightly.

Watch this, her dragon rumbled, diving toward the loch.

In no time, she was skimming over the water, setting off ripples with the tips of her claws. The ripples spread wider and wider, creating a V pattern in her wake.

Wheee! She giggled in glee.

She’d flown over the Rockies and soared over the rugged coast of the Pacific Northwest. She’d even skimmed the tropical cliffs of Maui. But nothing beat flying in Scotland, where every outing held a hint of mystery. Wisps of mist hung in the air, hinting at new treasures waiting to be discovered. What stunning views might reveal themselves that evening?

She smiled, remembering what Trevor had once said. A true Highland lass. I swear, someday, you’ll make your family proud.

She smiled and looked back over one copper-tinged wing, admiring the beautiful arc she’d carved. The ripples spread and slowly faded, and the water gradually went still.

Her heart squeezed as she gazed around. Might this be her last flight over Creag Aerden?

She took a deep breath. If so, she would make the most of it. She beat her wings, gaining altitude, then steadied out into a glide, closing her eyes. One by one, she ticked off her senses.

Feel it, she reminded herself.

Her dragon hummed at the sensation of cool wind flowing under its wings, lifting her higher.

Taste it, was the next part of her mantra.

She curled her tongue, collecting moisture from the air. Then she swallowed, letting the fresh, clean drops slide down her throat.

Hear it.

She tilted her head, breaking her streamlined shape just enough to make the wind whistle over one long, curved ear. Then she tossed her head and switched to the other side.

The world truly was full of wonder — and not just the visible kind.

Smell it.

She breathed deeply, filling her lungs with clean Highland air.

Then she frowned, sniffing again. Clean air…and something else.

Abruptly, she cut into a sharp turn and snapped open her eyes. Someone — or something — was out there.

Heat rose in her throat, and she let out a five-foot flame of warning. Whoever that was, they had another thing coming if they thought they could mess with her.

A huge dragon zoomed out of the mist, coming straight for her. A big one with furious, brick-colored eyes.

She curled the tips of her wings, ready to dart in any direction. But the dragon flying at her didn’t come straight in for the kill. He circled, berating her in guttural dragon-speak.

“What the hell are you doing?”

She snapped her tail, ready to spit fire. Then she cocked her head. “Lachlan?”

“Bloody hell. Have you no sense at all?”

Her heart had swelled upon recognizing him, but at his words, she glowered.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Someone’s tried to kill you twice today, and you’re out here on your own?”

Anger swirled and fed off itself, much like the embers in her core. “If you’re implying I need your permission — or your protection — try again.”

“I’m saying—” he started, then yelped as she lunged forward, snapping at his tail. “What are you doing?”

“Showing you how much protection I need.” She batted his tail aside with hers and twisted past him. Then she turned, hurling a massive plume of fire over his head. Close enough to make him duck, but not enough to injure him.

Lachlan stared, caught off guard. Then he narrowed his eyes in challenge and flicked his tail.

She snorted. A dead giveaway to imminent attack. When she easily sidestepped his lunge, his eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024