Fire Maidens Scotland (Billionaires & Bodyguards #6) - Anna Lowe Page 0,33

hips. No tire marks in the gravel drive other than those of Natasha’s pristine Mercedes. Apparently, she’d come alone.

Still, he checked the sky before pushing the car door open.

Mungo dashed out, barking madly. But when Natasha opened her mouth, flashing the points of her dragon teeth, the dog yelped and hid behind the housekeeper.

“There, there, Mungo.” Mrs. Killin shot Natasha a disapproving look.

“Mangy beast,” Natasha sniffed. Then she broke into a huge, fake smile. “Lachlan. So good to see you again.” Then her voice dropped. “And dear Holly.” Not good to see you, her tight look said.

“Hi,” Holly murmured.

“How was your trip?” Natasha purred as she strutted around the Austin, trailing a finger along the bonnet. Lachlan’s hackles rose. That was Trevor’s car she was fondling, not a plaything. Worse, Natasha’s hungry look implied she wouldn’t mind trailing her finger over his chest the same way.

Ugh. Never, his dragon grumbled.

“Nice,” Natasha cooed, looking at him, not the car.

No mention of the shattered mirror, he noticed. Had she overlooked the damage, or was she pretending everything was normal?

He crossed his arms firmly. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Nor did I expect you.” Natasha batted her eyelashes.

Another hint or an innocent remark? Lachlan studied Natasha closely for any signs of malice. But her face was a mask, her thoughts carefully hidden away. Another contrast to Holly, who wore her heart on her sleeve.

Natasha rubbed a spot on the Austin’s bonnet. “Lucky you. This is yours now.”

Lachlan frowned. Between the near miss on the motorway and the crumbling church wall, he’d nearly forgotten about that. But a car, no matter how fancy it was, was inconsequential. All that mattered was Holly’s safety.

Then he caught himself. All that mattered was helping Holly follow Trevor’s last wishes, then see her safely off to America — forever. Then he could concentrate on his core task: protecting Scotland. For now, that meant ensuring that Enzo Lombardi, the dragon imprisoned on Gleninnis, never posed a threat again.

Life. Love. Regrets. Trevor’s words ghosted through his mind.

His inner dragon growled. Is any job as important as that?

He balled his fists. Yes, his was, because the Lombardis intended to wreak havoc on Europe. Without a clear leader, the threat had decreased. But they would come back with a vengeance if their ringleader escaped. And that was just the latest, greatest enemy. Surely, the future would bring others.

“What are you doing here?” Holly asked.

Natasha heaved a weary sigh. “Father asked me to come and fetch a few things he’d loaned Trevor. But she wouldn’t let me in.” Her eyes shot daggers at Mrs. Killin.

The housekeeper folded her arms in a grim, None shall pass gesture.

“What things?” Holly demanded in a dark, growly voice.

Lachlan turned in surprise. Did sweet, happy-go-lucky Holly have a firm, uncompromising side?

His dragon grinned. You bet she does. Like a thistle in reverse — sweet and pretty on the outside, tough on the inside.

Lachlan grimaced. Natasha was more of a double-barbed rose — beautiful and delicate, with hidden thorns that protected her own interests.

“Oh, nothing of value. A few books, a few letters…”

Holly hugged the box of Trevor’s instructions to her chest.

Natasha’s eyes focused there, and Lachlan could see her appraising, then quickly dismissing them.

He frowned, picturing her scoff if she actually read them. Life. Love. Regret? I thought Trevor was more practical than that.

“I have every right to fetch my father’s things,” Natasha snipped.

“I explained to Miss Fleming that Trevor’s personal effects are off-limits,” the housekeeper said.

I’ll show you off-limits, Natasha’s glare said. And the way out the door the moment I inherit this place.

But Mrs. Killin stood her ground, defying the barely veiled threat.

Lachlan glanced at her, then Mungo, and finally, Holly. Trevor certainly had a knack for finding loyal souls who could be counted on, regardless of risk.

“The house is off-limits,” Holly said firmly. “Along with all its contents. As part of Trevor’s estate, it’s all sealed until his will is read in full.”

Either Holly knew more about law than she let on or she was bluffing, Lachlan decided. But if it was a bluff, it was a damn convincing one.

“What are you doing here, then?” Natasha demanded.

“Bringing Mungo home.”

“And I suppose you’ll turn around and leave now?” Natasha motioned to the dark clouds rolling in from the west.

“Oh no. We’re spending the night.”

“You said the house is off-limits.” Natasha crossed her arms with the look of a cat closing in on a mouse.

“It is. But we’re not staying here. We’re staying in…in…” Holly cast her Copyright 2016 - 2024