Into The Fire - E. L. Todd Page 0,74

be wrong. “Yes…unfortunately.”

“Does he have feelings for you?”


“I see,” he said with a slight nod.

“It started off as a fling, but after a few months, I developed feelings for him. When I went to his place to tell him how I felt, one of his guests opened the door and I realized he didn’t feel the same way.”

“I’m sorry.” He seemed sincere.

“We ran into each other the other day and got into a fight…and then it just happened.” I gripped my skull in frustration. “I should have just kicked him out and walked away but I was too weak. Now I’m back to where I started.” I pressed my face into my palms and shook my head.

“It’s okay,” Brad said. “I’ve been there.”

“You have?” I lowered my hands and looked at him.

“Everyone has that one person they want so much but can never have…or have all of.” He gave me a sad look. “Sadly, it happens all the time. I guess that’s how I feel about my ex. She left me so coldly, but even now, I still feel the same way. Looks like we’re both pathetic.”

For the first time that night, I felt better. “Thanks for being so understanding.”

“And I appreciate your honesty. If we lay down a foundation of trust and friendship, something could happen for us. I do like you and I know you like me. This could go somewhere…eventually.”

“I think so too.” I gave him a smile. Brad and I both had our baggage and it was nice to be in the same boat at the same time. It wasn’t a romantic love story like in the movies, but maybe it could become one someday.



I was losing my mind.

Alessandra walked away and left me there alone. She wanted to go out with some guy she didn’t even like all that much instead of being with me.

Months ago, she said I wasn’t her type.

And I still wasn’t her type.

What the hell was wrong with me? But I didn’t want a relationship anyway. I didn’t do the girlfriend thing. Monogamy just wasn’t my cup of tea. Why have sex with the same person over and over when you could try every crop in the field?

But I didn’t want Alessandra to be with anyone else.

And I didn’t want to be with anyone else either.

What the fuck did that mean?

Why was I so upset at the thought of him just touching her hand? Why did I demand that she stay with me instead of going out with him? My whole world was turned upside down and I didn’t even know what to think anymore. I used to be happy, taking it one day at a time. The town was an adventure, and meeting new women in foreign places was what I lived for. I’d broken more hearts than I could count, and I never looked back after I did it.

Alessandra was the first girl to cut me loose.

She didn’t want me.

I wanted her but she didn’t want me.

That’d never happened before.


I went to Sawyer’s place to watch the game. Empty beer bottles sat on the coffee table along with a few bags of chips. Sawyer sat on one end of the couch and I sat on the other. It was hard to concentrate on the game when I was so angry I wanted to demolish his entire apartment.

“How’s work?” Sawyer asked as his eyes were glued to the screen.

“Fine.” I was on my fifth beer and I still didn’t feel the haze I craved.

“How’s it going with your parents?”


Sawyer turned to me. “How’s life in general?”

“Fine,” I snapped. “And could you stop asking me a million questions?”

He didn’t drop his gaze. “Why are you acting like a cunt today?”

“I’m not,” I snapped. “You’re a cunt.”

Sawyer didn’t rise. “Seriously, you’ve been moody all week. What’s up?”


Sawyer wouldn’t let it go. “I’m worried about you. You’ve been weird for months and now you’re even weirder. I feel like there’s something you aren’t telling me.”

I just wanted him to get off my case. “My parents returned my money.”

“They did?” Now he abandoned the TV altogether. “And you didn’t mention that? You didn’t say that the second you walked in the door.”

“It happened a week ago.”

“And it took you this long to bring it up?” he asked with skepticism. “See? There’s something seriously wrong.”

“I guess I just don’t care.”

“You can finally open your shop, something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, and now you don’t care? That’s shooting out red flags Copyright 2016 - 2024