Into The Fire - E. L. Todd Page 0,39

But can I add hash browns and a huckleberry muffin? Ooh, and sausage. I love sausage.”

Alessandra tried not to laugh. “I’ll have the egg white omelet with a side of fruit.”

I stuck my tongue out. “What the hell is that? That’s not breakfast.” I turned to the waiter. “Get her some French toast too.”

“You got it.” The waiter walked away with our menus.

I took a long drink of my mimosa. “Alcohol for breakfast—sounds good to me.”

She sipped hers. “It’s a classy way to get buzzed.”

“Have you eaten here before?”

“No. I don’t usually go out for breakfast. Just lunch and dinner.”

“So, you make breakfast at home?”

“I usually skip breakfast.”

“That’s terrible,” I blurted.

“Well, not everyone can look like you and eat whatever the hell they want.”

“Just hit the gym. I go every day.”

“Well, I prefer sitting on my ass and not eating.”

“You do something,” I argued. “There’s no way you’re that sexy without lifting a finger.”

“I jog but only a few times a week.”

“Ooh, I’d love to see you jog…your tits bouncing up and down.”

She rolled her eyes. “You saw my tits bounce up and down last night. I’m sure you’ve seen enough.”

“I’m always down to see more.”

She sipped her mimosa before she pressed her lips tightly together. “So…I was thinking.”

That sounded serious.

“Are we going to keep doing this?”

“What?” I asked. “Breakfast?”

“Sex,” she corrected. “Or was that a one-time thing?”

I definitely didn’t want it to be a one-time thing. She was sexy as hell. “I want to keep doing it if you do. Why?”

“Well, I do too. Honestly…” Her cheeks blushed like she was embarrassed. “You don’t know how nice it is to be with a man that knows what he’s doing. I realize I’ve missed out on so much, and I’m learning things too.”

“More than happy to teach you, sweetheart.” I winked at her.

“I don’t want this to end. But I have to end something else if that’s the case.”


“Our contract. I can’t be your escort anymore.”

“What?” I blurted. “But I need you. I can’t just show up with a new girl—”

“Calm down,” she said. “I’ll still escort you—for free. I just can’t risk getting in trouble.”

“Oh. You would do that?”

“Well, I’m not doing it totally for free…” She gave me a meaningful look.

“What does that mean?”

“Well…you’d be paying me in other ways.” She glanced at my chest then my face again.

My mouth broke into a smile. “Oh, I get it…that sounds like a great compromise to me.”

“Good,” she said. “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

“Done deal.” Now I was saving a shit ton of money, and I was getting busy with a gorgeous woman. I grabbed my glass and clanked it against hers. “To a beautiful day.”

She chuckled then knocked her glass against mine. “To a new relationship.”

I tried not to flinch at her choice of words.

A few minutes later, the waiter returned with the food.

“Oh yeah.” I rubbed my palms together. “Bring it on.”

Alessandra chuckled from across the table.

“Let’s do this.” I dug into my French toast then shoveled two pieces of bacon down my throat. I ate everything placed in front of me, even the toast. I hadn’t had breakfast like that in a long time, and I forgot how good it was.

When I looked up, Alessandra was staring at me.

“What?” I asked when I caught her look.


“Uh…why else would I want to go out and eat?”

She shook her head slightly then picked at her food. She only ate a few bites, hardly touching anything she ordered.

I demolished my plate then released a loud burp. “Yeah, that hit the spot.”

“Gross.” She waved the gas away. “Do you have any manners?”

“Sorry…I got carried away.” I finished my mimosa then moved onto the water.

“So, what’s this story about you going to jail?”

I froze at the mention of it. “Mom told you?”

“She mentioned it in passing…something like she wished you would go to jail again so you would straighten up.”

“That weasel…”

“So, what’s the scoop?” She rested her elbows on the table and leaned forward.

“Ugh! My past will always haunt me.”

“Come on, spill it. You know I used to be a stripper.”

“I wouldn’t mind watching you strip again.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

“Don’t change the subject. I’ll either hear it from you or your mom. The ball is in your court.”

Dammit. “I’ll tell you. Mom would botch it anyway.”

She waited with an intrigued look in her eyes.

“I picked up this girl at a bar. She was kinky, kinkier than most girls I know. We left the bar then waited at the Copyright 2016 - 2024