Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,82

eight to twelve hours a day doing something other than drive him crazy from now on. They’d still see each other, but not as much and maybe that was for the best.

That was actually one of the reasons that she’d decided to quit in the first place. She didn’t want to destroy whatever was happening between them because they were spending too much time together. She wanted to give him his space and if that meant finding a new job, then that was exactly what she was going to do. Instead of doing what she’d wanted, she’d foolishly let his killer smile and the way he touched her body convince her to stay.

Then again, in his defense she really hadn’t thought that it was going to turn out this badly. She’d thought she’d have to deal with constantly being asked if she’d lost her goddamn mind or people watching what they said around her. What she hadn’t expected was all the bullshit that had gone down today.

People sucked, she decided as she lay there, scrolling through a list of titles and not really caring what she watched as long as it got her mind off of things for a while. When she felt Lucifer lift the blanket off her, she sighed, because she really wasn’t in the mood for company.

Okay, granted this was his apartment, but she figured with Adam being fired and all that the Fire & Brimstone would keep him busy for a few hours. To be honest, she was actually looking forward to having a small reprieve from the argument that she knew was coming.

“Shouldn’t you be downstairs?” she asked, hoping that it would be enough to buy her a few hours of peace.

“I’m sure Jon has it all under control,” he murmured as he placed the blanket on the couch next to her, taking her by surprise because the Fire & Brimstone was his baby.

“There’s probably a lot angry customers,” she pointed out as Lucifer kneeled beside the couch.

“I’m sure that Jon can handle them.”

She opened her mouth…okay, she had absolutely no idea what she was going to say, not when Lucifer was giving her the most incredible body massage that she’d ever experienced. Not that she’d experienced many, but she was sure that even with her limited knowledge of body massages that the massage that he was giving her was incredible.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he ran his hands down to the small of her back.

“I’m fine,” she said, because really, what else could she say?

She was pissed and embarrassed over what just happened, but she was also depressed about her decision to find a new job, but that was just a given. There was nothing that she could do to change what just happened and she wasn’t willing to give Lucifer up to keep her job so she kept it to herself, closed her eyes and lost herself to Lucifer’s touch.

“Are you still determined to quit?” he asked conversationally as his hands moved over her bottom.

“Are you going to start an argument if I say yes?” she asked as he continued to rub her bottom.

“No,” he said, taking his time to gently massage both cheeks, “but, I thought that we could negotiate the terms of your quitting.”

“Why exactly are there conditions to me quitting?” she asked as he continued to-

“Seriously, what is with your obsession with my ass?” she demanded, because it was really starting to concern her.

“It soothes me,” he said seconds before she felt his lips brush against her left cheek.

“My ass soothes you?” she asked, rolling her eyes, because this was just too much.

“Yes,” he said, pressing a kiss to her other cheek.

“Your conditions?” she asked, hoping to distract him from his obsession, but not from the body massage because she’d probably kill him if he stopped that.

“Just one really,” he said, returning to his duties as her own personal masseuse.

“And that is?”

“That if you don’t find a job within two weeks that you come back to work at the Fire & Brimstone,” he said, sounding completely reasonable as he moved onto her legs.

“I’ll find a job,” she said, shifting her legs apart to grant him better access when his hands slid down to her thighs and began focusing his attention on rubbing the tension out of her legs.

“But if you don’t…” he said, letting his words trail off as his hands skimmed over her inner thighs, up to her bottom and down again, sending a delicious shiver through Copyright 2016 - 2024