Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,65

first, but soon she found her rhythm and decided that turnabout was fair play. Kissing him one last time, she teased his bottom lip before she sat up, wanting him to see absolutely everything.

At first, she watched him, enjoying the way that his eyes followed every movement, every jiggle of her breasts and the way that she rode his cock. He liked what he saw. She knew that much from the way that he groaned with every movement as well as the way he swelled inside her.

He liked it a lot, but she wanted more.

Licking her lips, and honestly curious how far she could take this before she lost control, she slowly reached down between her legs and ran her fingertips over her clit, making sure that he saw everything.

The way he groaned…

Watching him, she continued to ride him slowly as she took her time pleasuring them both and she knew that he could feel it. Every time she pressed down against her clit she could feel him inside her. He felt so fucking good. She moaned as she found herself reaching up to palm her own breast.

“Like this?” she asked, wanting to tease them both.

“Exactly like this,” he growled approvingly as he watched her, his breaths coming a little unsteadily and matching hers as she continued until she forgot that she was trying to tease him and simply lost herself.

When he sat up, she didn’t hesitate in leaning forward and capturing his lips with hers. He wrapped his arms around her as he slowly kissed her.

“I have to tell you something,” he said, confusing her, because she was pretty sure that right now wasn’t the time to get chatty.

“Can it wait?” she asked, moaning as she shifted her hips and pushed back on him, loving the way he felt when he slid back inside her.

“It could probably wait, but I figured that you’d probably want to know since you just declared your undying love for me and all,” he teased, making her kind of wish that she didn’t want him so badly so that she could find the willpower to stop what she was doing, climb off this bed, storm off and make an epic exit that would haunt him for the rest of his days.

Sadly, she just didn’t have that kind of willpower, but he didn’t know that so…

“Please, don’t make me kill you,” she said, leaning back in to kiss him so that he wouldn’t discover just how weak she was when it came to him.

Brushing her lips with his, and denying her the kind of kiss that she needed right now, he said, “Thought you might want to know that I’m falling for you, too,” he announced and before she could say anything, or freak out since that’s what she was most likely going to do given the circumstances, his lips were back on hers and he was kissing her with everything he had.

After a few minutes, she moved her fingers faster between her legs, pushing against him so that he could feel her fingers gliding over her clit. She dropped her hand away from her breast so that she could wrap her arm around his shoulders to help steady herself as she moved harder and faster on him.

There was no finesse or rhythm to her movements, but he didn’t seem to care. He kissed her as his hands found her hips, encouraging her to keep moving and she tried, she really did, but she couldn’t keep going. One second she was kissing him, sucking his tongue almost desperately and the next she found herself back on the bed and Lucifer taking over, fucking her in a way that she’d never been fucked before.

Her back arched as he slammed back inside her one last time, triggering an orgasm powerful enough to tear one last scream from her throat until all she could do was lay there, trying to catch her breath as the realization slowly hit.

Her pain medication had worn off and that’s when she found herself screaming for a whole new reason.

Chapter 32

“My ass,” Rebecca whispered hoarsely as she lay there on her stomach, her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly while he stood there, glaring down at her. “My poor abused ass.”

His eyes narrowed dangerously on the little brat.

The disapproving sigh that came from his right had him seriously considering smothering her with a pillow. “What part of no physical activity for a week did you not understand?” his father asked as they stood Copyright 2016 - 2024