Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,120

a lot since she’d grown up around them.

“Hey, beautiful,” Darrin said with a warm smile as he carefully joined Zoe and Trevor in the back. While Trevor sat behind Zoe, Darrin took the side position and took Zoe’s hand into his. “How are you holding up?” he asked, raising their hands so that he could kiss the back of hers.

“I-I’m sorry, Darrin, but I don’t think that I can do this after all,” Zoe said, sounding frantic as she shook her head, obviously having second thoughts.

“I’m afraid that it’s a little late to change your mind,” Trevor whispered, kissing his wife’s cheek.

“No, it’s not!” Zoe screamed while another contraction took over as Duncan carefully positioned her legs.

“I will never forget this,” Darrin swore against the back of her hand. “Never.”

Zoe licked her dry lips as she sat there, trying to breathe through the pain. “Can we possibly renegotiate the terms of our deal?”

Darrin chuckled softly as he pressed another kiss against the back of her hand. “Anything you want.”

“O-okay,” she said, gasping through the pain.

“What do you want, sweetheart?” Darrin asked as Duncan glanced over his shoulder and spotted Marybeth, standing there, pale as a ghost and looking seconds away from becoming his next patient.

He looked for Jason and when he found him, he nodded towards the woman now swaying in the driveway. With a nod, Jason walked over and swept Marybeth up into his arms.

“She’s fine,” he promised Darrin, who looked torn between helping his wife and staying where he was to witness the birth of his children.

“We’re having babies,” Marybeth mumbled in a daze, making him chuckle, because he’d honestly thought that Darrin would have been the one to lose it.

“Yes, yes you are,” Jason said, nodding in agreement as he carried the pale mother-to-be inside.

“I-I call godmother,” Zoe said, groaning in pain as she shifted to get more comfortable.

Darrin chuckled. “It’s already yours.”

“A-and I wanna be there for all the big stuff,” she said, licking her lips again as she struggled through another contraction. “If that’s okay,” she added, obviously worried about crossing the line, but they were Bradfords and she should know better by now.

“That was an automatic,” Darrin said with a smile as he reached over and swept away a few wet strands of hair out of her face.

“And we get first dibs on babysitting,” Trevor threw in with an expression that told Duncan just how hard this was going to be for him to step aside and let these babies go.

Smiling, Darrin nodded. “Done.”

“Oh, no,” Zoe whispered just as the first baby decided to make an appearance.

“Time to bring these babies into the world,” Duncan said as Reese stepped up next to him, holding a large white towel, ready for the first baby.

Zoe screamed as Trevor held her, struggling not scream with her as a she squeezed his badly damaged hand. Darrin did surprising better than Trevor, but that was probably because he was distracted by his first child being born and all.

“Oh my God,” he whispered, smiling hugely when the first baby was born.

“Baby girl,” Duncan said, making sure the baby was breathing before clipping the umbilical cord and carefully handing the baby over to Reese.

One down, two to go…

“The boys will be next,” Darrin said, mostly to himself as he sat there, holding Zoe’s hand as he waited for his-

“Another girl,” Duncan said, frowning when the second child was born, because he could have sworn that his father and brother said that two of the babies were going to be boys.

“Another girl,” Darrin said, smiling hugely and obviously not caring, which was good, Duncan thought as the third baby, another little girl, was born.

“Three girls,” Darrin said as he took the last little girl in his arms, the other two already had already been brought inside so that they could be cleaned and introduced to their mother.

“She’s so beautiful,” Zoe said with a watery smile as the small baby crying in Darrin’s arms glared at her daddy.

“Thank God they all look like Marybeth,” Trevor said, chuckling as he looked at the beautiful baby girl that was going to make Darrin’s life a living hell.

“Thank God,” Darrin seconded with a chuckle as he smiled down at the beautiful baby girl that looked so much like her mother, beautiful tan skin, black hair and a glare to match.

“Three girls,” Zoe said, smiling as she lay in Trevor’s arms.

“Are you okay?” Duncan asked, praying that she was okay, because they were a good thirty minutes Copyright 2016 - 2024