Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,86

boot.” Still, Levi stared at the door too.

Finn picked up a cookie and bit into it, relishing the crunch of nut pieces and the chocolate that melted on his tongue. He sighed happily. “She still makes the best cookies.”

“And you know that before you leave here, she’ll be at the front door with a box full of them for you.” Levi smiled. “You always were one of her favorites.” He speared Finn with a look. “Can I ask you something? If you and Joel do work out… how do you feel about getting involved with a guy who has kids?”

Finn frowned. “What about it? They’re great kids.”

Levi nods. “And if you and Joel get serious, they’d be a responsibility. You up for that?” He held up his hands. “I’m just trying to be realistic here, and make sure you see the big picture.”

Finn didn’t even hesitate. “I’m more scared of losing Joel than I am of suddenly gaining two kids.” Breakfast at Becky’s had been great. The way Nate and Laura just accepted him being there…

“You are going to talk to him, right?”

Finn nodded. “But I wanna do it my way.”

“And what does that mean?”

The seed of an idea had taken root in his mind. “I want him to be in no doubt how I feel.” That seed swelled, and the first tendrils of a plan uncurled themselves, filling his head with a delicious notion that sent shivers of anticipation through him. “Do you think Grammy would lend me something for a couple of days?”

“What did you want to borrow?” When Finn told him, Levi burst into laughter. “What on earth…? Sure, I can’t see her minding that. I’m dying to know what you’re going to do with them.”

Finn tapped the side of his nose. “That’s my secret.” Except for his plan to work, he was going to need help—very specific help.

“Levi? You got a minute?” Grammy called from the kitchen.

“Coming, Grammy.” Levi got to his feet. “I’ll be right back.” He gave Finn a mock glare. “Don’t eat all the cookies.” He left the room, pulling the door to after him.

Finn pulled his phone from his pockets and called up the White Pages website. He did a quick search, smiling when it produced results. Then he dialed, his heart pounding.

Please be the right person. There couldn’t be two Megan Halls in Portland, could there? And that assumed Megan had kept her maiden name and not taken Lynne’s.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” Thank God, it was her. “I don’t usually answer calls when I don’t recognize the number.”

“Megan? It’s Finn.”

Her tone changed instantly. “Hey, Finn,” she said in obvious delight. There was a pause. “Why are you calling? Has something happened to Joel? Is he okay?” A note of panic crept into her voice.

“He’s fine,” Finn assured her. “And I’m calling because I need your help.”

“Well, now you got me curious.”

He outlined what he needed her to do. “Think you can manage that?”

Megan’s cackle filled his ears. “Definitely. Are you going to tell me what this is all about?”

“If this comes off, you’ll know soon enough.” Please, let this work. “So you know what to do, and when?”


“And you’re sure he’ll do it?”

Megan laughed. “I’ll give the performance of my life. I’m still dying of curiosity though.”

So was Levi, but Finn wasn’t sharing.

He thanked her and disconnected, just as Levi came back into the room.

“Crisis averted. Grammy wanted a box from the top shelf of the cabinet, and she couldn’t reach, not even with the little step I got her for stuff like this.” Levi gave him a quizzical glance. “What are you up to?”

“Making plans.”

And praying they would bear fruit.

Grammy poked her head around the door. “Finn? Do you have someplace you gotta be, or can you stay for lunch? It’s only soup, but I made it yesterday. And there’s lemon cake for after.”

Finn glanced at Levi, who nodded eagerly. Finn smiled. “I’d love that.” There was nothing he could do at home to advance his plans, and he hadn’t seen Levi since the wedding. Besides, if she agreed to his request, Finn would have to go up into Grammy’s attic to find what he needed. He could already picture the results in his head.

Now all he had to do was make it happen.

Chapter Twenty-Four

By the time Joel pulled onto Megan’s driveway, he was cursing his sister with everything from hemorrhoids to a plague of frogs. He had things to do, dammit. He’d finished work for the Copyright 2016 - 2024