Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,27

have a reason. Spit it out.”

“Hey, I just wanted to catch up, that’s all. You know, find out what’s new in your life…”

“You must be bored. Either that, or you’re putting off doing something you really don’t wanna do.”

There was a pause. “Man, you know me far too well.”

“After all these years? You know it. Come on, what’s up?”

“I have to prepare for tomorrow. I’m being observed.”

Finn’s heart went out to him. “I forgot. You’re working toward Professional certification now, aren’t you? How’s it going?”

“I did not call you to talk about teaching. Let’s talk about something else. You getting any yet?”

Finn came to a halt in the middle of the produce section. “Did you miss the part where I said I’m at the store?”

“You getting all dainty on me? You work construction—I bet the air turns blue when you and your work buddies shoot the breeze.”

“Sure—when there’s no one around to listen in.” Finn went to the cash register, deposited his basket, and helped the lady load everything into paper bags. “Can you wait just one minute till I get to my truck?”

“I can do that. It’s not like I have something better to do.”

“Yeah, you do—lesson planning, remember? I’ll call you back.” Finn pocketed his phone, paid for his groceries, and carried his bags out to the truck that was parked in front of the cedar shakes-covered building. He dumped them on the passenger seat, got behind the wheel, and hit Call. “Okay—now we can talk. Not that I have anything to share, but I didn’t want the whole store knowing my sex life is a wasteland.”

“Still? Jesus, you are way too picky.”

“I’m not,” Finn protested. “You know how it is. I’m always nervous about taking that first step.”

Seb went quiet for a moment, and Finn glanced at his screen to check they were still connected. Finally Seb let out a gentle sigh. “You know your problem?”

“Enlighten me. Because I know you’re dying to.”

“You give your heart too easily. You meet a guy, you go on a date, you fuck, and suddenly he’s your boyfriend. You give it a hundred and fifty percent. Only thing is, the guys you pick don’t want that. They get a few weeks, maybe even a month, of great sex, and then they wanna move on. You part ways, they go on to the next guy, and you spend a while nursing a bruised heart. It knocks you down, and it takes you forever to work up enough courage to put yourself out there again, because for all your talk when you’re among friends, you’re a shy guy. And when you do make a move again? Boom. Instant replay.”

Finn swallowed. “I guess you really know me well too.” It pained him Seb saw so much, but then again, it was good to know.

“Only because we talk about every goddamn thing in our lives. How many boyfriends have there been since that first guy you met at Millbury when you were doing your training? Two?”


“Mm-hmm. So that’s three boyfriends in what, eight years? And none of them were long-term, were they?”

“No. But before you say another word… I’m not you, Seb. I don’t do one-night stands. I can’t be that casual about it.” Finn didn’t want just sex, he wanted the whole package.

“Has it ever occurred to you,” Seb said in a voice so low that it sounded nothing like him, “that I do one-night stands because that’s all I can get? It might surprise you to learn we’re a lot more alike than you think.”

In that moment, Finn truly saw him, and his chest tightened. “I’m sorry.”

“I know how you all see me. The happy-go-lucky guy who doesn’t give a fuck, the slut, the—”

“I have never thought of you like that, and I don’t think any of the others feel that way either,” Finn said, his voice rising. “I know I joke about you making your way through the entire gay population of Maine, but that’s all it is, a joke. And it’s based entirely on shit you come out with, so can you blame me?”

Seb sighed. “Fair point. Okay, now you know. It’s an act. And for what it’s worth, I hope you find someone deserving to give your heart to. Because they’ll be getting a great guy.”

“Thanks.” Finn made a promise to himself right there to never again tease Seb about his sex life.

“So there’s really nothing new in your life?”

Finn paused, staring at the gray walls of the store. “Well…”

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