Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,14

so he could rub one out. It wasn’t as if he was ever going to get up enough nerve to talk to the guy, right? This was way safer. Finn could say whatever he wanted, and there was no risk of the guy rejecting him, disappointing him…

“Nice place you’ve got here.” Fantasy Man peered at the living room. “Quaint.”

Finn snorted. “Is that another way of saying small? And you didn’t really come here to talk about the decor, did you?”

“Why do you think I left the dog at home?” His eyes gleamed. “I didn’t want there to be any distractions.” He smiled broadly. “So… want to show me where your bed is?”

Finn grabbed his hand and led him through the house to his bedroom. Once inside, all the air was punched from his lungs as Fantasy Man propelled him backward onto the bed, where Finn bounced before the guy pinned him to the mattress. His face was above Finn’s, those eyes locked on his, his lips so goddamn inviting…

“Kiss me,” Finn demanded, pushing up with his hips.

“Just kiss?” His eyes glittered.

Finn grinned. “For starters. We’ve got all night, right?” Then he moaned as the guy grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the pillow above his head.

“We’ve got all the time we want.”

Finn stroked his cock, lost in his fantasy, trying his damnedest to make it last, to hold onto the dream, because that was all the guy would ever be—an unattainable dream.

Chapter Four

Joel had no sooner finished his call to his client than his phone buzzed again. This time, however, it was Carrie. “Hi there,” he said as the call connected, closing the folder on the table in front of him.

“I know you’re probably working, so if it isn’t a good time to talk, let me know.”

“Your timing is good. I just finished a call. What can I do for you?” He knew Carrie hadn’t called to indulge in idle chitchat. That wasn’t her style.

“It’s about Nate’s birthday present.”

“Don’t tell me he’s crashed it already.” Joel and Carrie had bought Nate his first car. It was three or four years old, in good condition, and perfect for getting him around.

“No, he hasn’t, but… I kind of persuaded him it would be good if he visited you.”

Joel’s stomach clenched. “Look, if he doesn’t want to come, don’t force him. And I’m not sure I’m happy about him driving all the way from Augusta on his own.” It would be a trip just shy of two hours, traffic permitting, but that was a lot of driving for a young man who was used to much shorter distances.

“Neither was I, which is why I suggested that for this first trip, I come with him, and Laura too.”

“How did that go down?”

“Put it this way. What are you doing Saturday afternoon?”

Joel froze. “He said yes?”

“He liked the idea of having me along, but I think that’s because he’s a little nervous about the drive. Laura is dying to see the house, not to mention Bramble. She wants to see you too.”

That was enough to make Joel’s day. Then her words sank in. “I notice you don’t say Nate wants to see me.”

“I’d be lying if I said he jumped at the chance, but he agreed it was time you all got together. So… I was thinking of us driving down on Saturday, maybe taking Bramble for a walk on the beach, having dinner together, and then if Nate isn’t happy about driving in the dark, I can take over and get us home.”

“Plus, you like the idea of showing them we still get along, even though the divorce is finalized.” Not that they’d ever argued before the divorce. It had been a bloodless separation.

“I thought it would be easier if I were there.” She paused. “What do you think?”

Joel sighed. “I think it’s a start. I think it’s better than nothing. Any suggestions for what to cook? Something they both like?”

“Stick to your famous lasagna and I don’t think you can go wrong. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“You’re already bringing the kids. That’s more than enough.” His throat tightened. “Is Nate still unhappy about the divorce? Does he even talk about it?”

“Nate isn’t saying much about anything, but he has lots of friends whose parents are divorced. He’ll get used to the idea. Just like I’m getting used to the idea that just when I think one of my chicks has fled the nest, he pops back in again.”

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