Finn's Fantasy (Maine Men #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,12

happy there. Right now he’s just looking. But better to look when you already have a job then when you don’t.” Levi paused. “Can I ask you something?”

Finn stilled. Levi usually came right out with it. “Ask away.”

“That remark of yours at the reception… that I’m not the marrying kind. Is that how I come across? Because I would marry, in a heartbeat.”

“But he’d have to be pretty special,” Finn surmised.

“Yeah.” Another pause. “How did you know?”

“Well, you’re either really secretive about your dates, or you’re really picky, because I can’t name one guy you’ve dated.” Even in high school, Levi had never spoken of crushes.

“It’s just not very high on my list of priorities right now.”

“So you haven’t got anything going on with Noah?” Finn teased. “I mean, I didn’t know about the bowling. Sounds… cute.” Not that Finn believed that for a second. Noah was another one who gave little away. Finn picked up his coffee and wandered into the living room where he stood by the window gazing out at the street.

“No one’s got anything going on with Noah.” Levi laughed. “And getting him away from his trains is a miracle, believe me.”

“Is he still doing that?” Noah’s parents had let him use the space above the garage for his train track when he was a kid. Except Noah had had bigger ideas. He’d decided to build a small town, with a railway looping around and through it.

“He keeps adding stuff. There’s a railway station now, a fair, and the town keeps growing. It makes it really easy to buy him presents for Christmas and his birthday. I just find out what he needs for the model. But now and then, I drag him away from it and we go bowling or to a movie. He comes here sometimes too. Grammy loves it when he stays over.”

“At least he’s still around.” Noah and Levi were the only ones who had stayed in Wells. The rest had all moved away.

“Yeah.” Levi chuckled. “And speaking of Noah… Want to know what he said the other day?”

“I don’t know why you ask, because you’re gonna tell me anyway.”

“He said, ‘I guess Finn finally caved and joined a gym, like so many other gay men.’”

Finn snorted. “Who needs a gym, when you have to carry planks and boards around a site? And that ‘so many other gay men’ part…” He had to admit, Noah was an enigma. They’d been friends for years, but Finn still had no clue what made him tick.

Noah didn’t give anything away.

“Aw, he was just making a joke.”

Finn smiled to himself. Levi the Peacemaker.

“What about Teresa, putting us all on the same table at the reception?” Levi chuckled. “Because I’m sure it was her idea.”

“It wasn’t that surprising. We were all pretty tight in high school.” Originally, it had been Finn, Levi, and Seb who’d been friends, and as time went by their number had increased. “Do you ever think about how we all got together?”

“Sure. I still say some of us had an invisible sign on our foreheads that said gay, that only another gay guy could see.”

Whatever had drawn them to each other, Finn thanked God for it. He’d gained two friends who really got him, who didn’t think he was a weirdo or depraved for liking guys. There had been few students who’d felt like that, but knowing Levi and Seb had his back had been a godsend. And Seb didn’t give a shit if everyone knew he liked dick.

“There was safety in numbers back then,” Finn added. He caught something out of the corner of his eye, and froze as his fantasy man walked right by his house, his chocolate lab straining at the leash.

Has he walked by here before? Finn didn’t think so. He was certain he would have noticed.

“Finn? You still there?”

“Still here.” Finn watched as the tall guy with salt-and-pepper hair turned down Belvidere Avenue, heading for the shore. That was the closest Finn had gotten to him, and he liked what he saw. Fantasy man had to be in his forties or late thirties at a push. And now that Finn had seen him up close, he wasn’t about to move from this position in case he missed him coming back.

“You sure about that?”

Finn dragged his gaze away from the window. He knew from experience that Fantasy Man would be at least half an hour on the beach. “So what’s with all the reminiscing?”

“I guess I was thinking about Copyright 2016 - 2024