Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,36

are you laying down on the job?” Feeling like my bear might jump out of this truck, ripping his way out of my skin, I stop myself from speaking and try to control my erratic breathing.

“Sheriff, I’m standing inside the house at Glorianna’s side as we speak. Not sure who you spoke with on the phone earlier, but her phone hasn’t even rung once this afternoon,” Dooley coolly states.

“This ordeal is eerie and has the hairs on the nape of my neck standing on end, I’ll be there in five.” Hanging up the phone, I debate on whether I should be calling Vaughn or not. Before I have a chance to consider what to do, Vaughn is calling me.

“What is going on? I’m on my way to the house with Shyla.” She sounds breathless and her words are coming across with panic.

Not sure how to answer her because I’m not exactly sure of what’s happening myself, I simply respond with, “I’ll see you at our home and we can both get the answers we need.” I arrive home in record-breaking time, thanking God I run this town, otherwise, I’d have been pulled over and issued a ticket. Vaughn and Shyla arrive seconds behind me, her tires squealing, mimicking mine from earlier.

What has my gut twisted in knots is that I’m not convinced that she put her car in park before they both quickly jump out and sprint toward the house. I am hot on their heels as we simultaneously reach the door. I swing it open for the three of us and we see our babies playing happily in Emmaline’s playpen. Relief swamps through us and the room immediately.


“What is going on? I-is everyone okay? D-did anyone get hurt?” Stammering, my words come out jumbled and fast as I run toward Emmaline. Picking my child up, she places her hand on my cheek. I calm instantly as she places her hand on my skin, and the people in the room also settle as they take in the look on my face. She lets me know through our connection that everything and everyone is okay at this time, but danger is looming around the corner, closer than we were expecting or prepared for. This puts a sullen look upon my face. I’m no longer feeling content, instead, I feel the incessant need to prepare for doomsday. Placing Emmaline back in the playpen, I solemnly stare at Trigger with a look that exhibits the sadness streaming through me.

“What did she tell you, my mate?” My man, my mate, he looks ready for battle and I wish I had better words to share with him. As it is, I’m at a loss of how to express all that was shown to me through our daughter.

“She let me know that danger is on the horizon and that we need to get ready, and soon.” The only vision I am not sharing with him at this time is that we can’t trust everyone that we might’ve thought we could… including those within hearing range. I hastily look away from Trigger, I don’t want to look him in the eyes. He’ll know right off that I am not telling the whole truth. I grimace slightly knowing that he will be interrogating me as soon as he has a chance to pull me away from everyone.

Shyla and I talk with Glorianna, an attempt on our part for her not to overhear the conversation between Trigger and Dooly. Glorianna insists that she never spoke to Trigger and blatantly informs us that her phone hasn’t even rang once since she left her house earlier this morning. “I didn’t even think about this until now, my sister does call me every morning and all throughout the day,” she tells us.

“I will not be returning to work until these rogues have been found and punished,” I inform the occupants of the room as a whole.

“We can’t both take time off from our job and leave all those innocent babies to fend for themselves,” Shyla informs me, a look of irritation sent in my direction from my pronouncement.

“We don’t both have to take off. I just feel I need to be around Emmaline at all times.” I try to share how I’m feeling with her. I want her to understand where I’m coming from. Scar isn’t in the line of danger like Emmaline is. Yes, they want him since they went to the trouble of impregnating his mother, but he doesn’t exhibit Copyright 2016 - 2024