Finding The Lost Mystic Islan - Liberty Parker Page 0,14

noticed that when I picked her up, she immediately calmed. I don’t understand this bond that seems to have developed between the two of us and wish yet again that her mother hadn’t just up and disappeared.

I’ve got so many unanswered questions, chief of which is what kind of supernatural Emmaline is. I know she’s a witch of some sort, but what else is flowing through her being? There’s something more, something I’m missing and I don’t like it. How can I ensure she ends up with the right family if I don’t have all the facts? I feel the supreme power emanating from her and can’t help but wonder if she’s pulling energy from me, then immediately dismiss that thought. She’s a baby and there’s no way she has that ability.

So, I fed and changed her, then sat down in the rocking chair to sing her to sleep. Shyla has always implied that I am the baby whisperer because I can calm the most fractious baby. I just know that even though our cases are crazy right now, I need to be here with her.

Seeing Trigger walk in has my senses on high alert. My heart rate accelerates and I feel my body react to his nearness as my nipples pebble beneath the skin-fitting shirt I’m wearing. I see his nostrils flare, yet, he doesn’t say anything. Thank goodness because he may be my mate but I don’t have time for that right now.

Not with the missing lion cub and definitely not with the two babies who were virtually dropped in our laps yesterday.

Nope. No time for a mate. My snow leopard whines inside me and I feel her tail flick against my chest as if she’s chastising me for not following what fate has decreed for the two of us.

Hearing him admit what he’s feeling, even though it’s done in a growly, almost begrudging manner, has me wondering if he is in the same predicament as me. Before I can say anything, he states with a frown marring his face, “I gotta be blunt, Vaughn, but I don’t want you to take it the wrong way.”

“Okay,” I cautiously reply, instinctively feeling like he’s going to shut us down before there is an us. Wait… I don’t have time for a mate anyhow so why does thinking about what he’s going to say bother me so much? Since I asked him earlier through the universe to wait on me, it’s hurtful that he didn’t receive that quiet request.

“My bear tells me you’re indeed my mate. I didn’t come to Mystic Island looking for someone, Vaughn, and with everything that seems to be going on around us, I don’t have time for one,” he begrudgingly states. I discern a bit of regret in his tone but still, I feel as though I’m being dismissed without even a chance to explore anything and that makes me angry.

“Well, my leopard has told me the same damn thing, Sheriff,” I snap out with fury. “And just like you, I wasn’t exactly prowling around looking for my intended mate either. My job may not be perceived to be as important as yours is in the grand scheme of things, but I make a huge difference in peoples’ lives with what I do. At least to the children who I place in homes, anyhow. So regardless of whether or not we’re fated mates, I think we can both agree that this isn’t the time or place.”

“I like it when you get all feisty,” he replies, his voice a low, grumbly timbre that has my core clenching and pulsing with need. “Plus, despite the fact that you’re denying this, I can smell your arousal, Vaughn.”

“As I can yours, Sheriff.” I sneer to hide the smile that wants to show itself. My leopard is beside herself that I’m arguing with our mate right now and my insides feel like shredded paper. I almost expect to see confetti flying around the room. Her actions have me out of sorts which is why I’m being a bitch right now.

“Trigger. For you, I’m Trigger,” he commands, reaching a hand out and tucking some stray hair behind my ear. At his touch, I immediately calm.

Turning wide eyes toward him, I whisper, “What on earth? I don’t have time for this. You don’t have time for this. Why is this happening?”

“I don’t know the answer to that but based on how my bear is reacting, I’m not sure that staying away from Copyright 2016 - 2024