Finding His Mate (Bare Bites #3) - Mila Crawford Page 0,8

his hands on me, and the cool water slowly swallowing and numbing my skin, too much to bear.

“Brett--” I grunted eagerly when he hooked a finger inside of my body, and then more as the cold water reached past my hips, then swallowed his hands as my hips began working against him, seeking more pressure.

“Eager and sweet, I couldn’t love you anymore. When I found you, my mate, I found my forever.”

I was submerged to the tips of my breasts then, my nipples aching as the piercing needles of cold river water sliced open my skin, his words devouring my soul and laying all of me open for him.

I was his. From the moment I’d stumbled upon his broken body, I’d signed myself over to his mercy. He was moody and abrasive and had me completely captivated.

I was his.

My arms circled Brett’s neck, my bare chest pressed to his as the water lapped gently at our skin. His lips worked against my neck, the push of his cock against my hot center sending me into rapid overdrive.

“Please, fuck me, Brett. Make me yours.”

I felt his muscles grow underneath me, his size nearly doubling, only the tops of his muscled shoulders dancing above the water line. He was normally thick, but every fiber and cell seemed stretched to maximum capacity, his body’s ability to efficiently grow as the adrenaline pushed his inner Wolf into being. He was beautiful, and I’d never felt so loved as when I was with him like this. Connected, with words like “forever” on our lips.

The wind spun through the leaves above our heads, waves lapping the shore and causing sparrows to pierce the air with wild warnings. Brett suddenly became quiet, his body rigid and not moving. The color of his eyes swiftly changing from gray to a deep yellow-amber, letting me know that the Wolf was the one taking control.

“Someone is close. I can smell them. It’s the same men who attacked me.” He whispered, his voice hoarse, almost animalistic. “I have to shift. I can’t shift when they’re closer. It’s too dangerous.” He searched my eyes, trying to make sure I understood. I nodded my head, rushing to get my clothes on.

“Hurry up. If they see any part of your flesh I may have to kill them, not just scare them the fuck off.”

“We don’t have time for that nonsense. Hurry up and shift,” I ordered, fear freezing my veins.

Chapter 6


Watching Brett shift was one of the most mesmerizing things I’d ever experienced. It was poetry in motion. Anyone that has never seen it would believe the horror films, fearing it was this grotesque deformity. But the reality was there were no snapping sounds of bones breaking and moving to take on a new form. Instead it was like some form of magic affair, smooth, like a dance. Watching my mate shift was transcending.

“Look, Joey, it’s the mutt. Guess we didn’t take care of it the first time. And looky here, he brought us a little snack.”

As they came closer to me, Brett leaped at them, grabbing Joey’s arm so quickly that the human eye could barely see it. Joey fell to the ground, distracting the other guy long enough for me to grab my gun and shoot him in the foot. He howled, falling on the ground.

“You fucking bitch,” he sneered, before lunging pathetically at me. That was enough for Brett to take his eyes off of Joey to make sure I was ok, giving Joey the upper hand. He grabbed a rock, pummeling it. There was a thud sound as it hit Brett square between the eyes, making him lose his footing and tumble back. I wanted to run to Brett, to make sure he was ok.

I shot my gun at Joey, hitting him right in the arm.

“Looks like you assholes are out-gunned. Put both your hands up in the air where I can see them, or I will blow your fucking cocks off next,” I shouted. Both of them lifted their arms. Joey was not able to move his right arm very high, while his friend sat on the ground like a petulant toddler, lifting his.

I fished my phone from my bag and dialed the sheriff's department as Brett finally got his bearings and came circling around the two, making sure that they wouldn’t dare move a muscle.

“Aydin Miller, please,” I said to the receptionist as soon as she picked up.

“One moment, darlin’”

Aydin Miller was someone the shifters trusted, because he Copyright 2016 - 2024