Find Her Alive (Detective Josie Quinn #8) - Lisa Regan Page 0,91

build a rapport with a killer? On camera?”

Josie said, “You let him know that you think he’s smart—that you know he’s smart—but that you’re just as smart. You let him know you’ve figured out some of his secrets, that you’re onto him. Then he believes you’re a worthy opponent. He won’t be able to resist playing his little game. Then he’ll make some stupid mistake and get caught.”

“You can’t guarantee that,” Mettner said. “Look what happened to Codie, and—sorry, boss—but Trinity.”

Josie said, “You’re missing something, Mett. Codie Lash was one person carrying out secret communications with this guy. Trinity was one person trying to draw him out. We’re a team, and we’ve got a ton of resources at our disposal. The more communication we have with him, the greater the chances are of him screwing up and showing his hand. Do any of you have a better idea? I’d love to hear it because my sister’s life is at stake.”

No one spoke for a long moment.

Then Noah said, “Are you proposing that we use you as the bait?”

“He already tried to take me once,” Josie said. “I’m Trinity’s literal mirror. Why else would he try to take me? I’m telling you—call a press conference. Put me in front of the camera and let me talk to this guy.”

“What would you say?” Drake asked.

“That this case is personal. That I know he has my sister and that I’m going to find him if it takes the rest of my life. That will speak to his inflated sense of self—the fact that I would devote my life to figuring him out and finding him. But what I say isn’t going to be as important as what he’ll see.”

“You need props,” Noah said. “Like the comb.”

“Trinity’s comb has already gone to the lab,” Gretchen said. “We can’t get that back.”

“We don’t necessarily need a comb,” Josie said. “We’ll have all of you standing behind me at the press conference—so he sees there’s a crowd. It will make him feel important and seen. Then we’ll get Bobbi Ingram to stand among you—if we can get her to agree.”

Drake said, “I’d also suggest getting Hayden Keating to stand with us, maybe wearing some token that evokes Codie Lash.”

“Yes,” Josie said, even though the thought of being near Hayden Keating again made her stomach turn. “We want him to know that we’ve found out a lot more than we’re letting on. The press won’t know what these things mean, but he will. He’ll see we’re taking him seriously. Playing the game he’s wanted to play all along. Giving him the attention he craves.”

“What about having Monica Webb there with us?” Mettner suggested.

“Yes,” Josie agreed. “We’ll have to bring her in and tell her what’s going on. I’m sure she would agree.”

Noah said, “Then what?”

“Then we wait,” Drake said. “This guy will come out. He’ll make contact somehow.”

“I don’t like the idea of Detective Quinn being used as bait,” Noah said. “I don’t think anyone here is on board with that.”

Gretchen and Mettner nodded.

“Not bait,” Josie said. “I’m not going to be waiting around to be kidnapped by this guy. We’re only looking for contact. We want him to deliver something to us—a letter or a package.”

“I don’t think anyone wants another one of his creepy packages,” Gretchen commented.

Drake said, “Yeah, but right now we’ve got nothing. We need to force his hand a little.”

Josie turned to Mettner. “You’re the lead, Mett. What do you say?”

Mettner rubbed his chin. “I’d have to discuss it with the Chief, get his approval on something this big. Once we blow the lid off this thing by telling the whole world that we know the Bone Artist has Trinity, we can’t get that lid back on. We need to be ready for whatever comes after that.”

“Fair enough,” Josie said.

Mettner looked around. “Now, why don’t all of you go get some rest? Noah, you can relieve me in about four hours. Then Gretchen. We’ll rotate. I’ll talk to the Chief, and we’ll discuss this again tomorrow.”


The next day the station house was abuzz with nervous energy. Officers moved to and fro, setting up podiums, microphones, and other equipment for the news conference which they intended to hold out front of the police station. Mettner had gotten Chief Chitwood to agree to it and had notified the press that morning that they’d be delivering news about Trinity Payne’s disappearance. He’d also contacted Bobbi Ingram, who was game to appear on camera, and sent Copyright 2016 - 2024