Finally (Neighbor from Hell #12) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,77

glass patio doors overlooking the pool, wondering if the kids would like to-

“That room is under Dabbi Digital Marketing. Are you sure that you have the right room?”

“I guess not,” Devin said, frowning as he picked up his card. “Thanks anyway.”

For a moment, he was tempted to go back upstairs and double-check the room number, but he was already late. Deciding that he’d grab the bill from Charlie when she got home so that he could reimburse her, he headed for the door.

He was still thinking about it several hours later when he finally made it in to work. He got stuck in traffic on the way home and didn’t get a chance to grab breakfast after picking up the kids and dropping them off at school, but it had been worth it, Devin thought, unable to help but smile as he walked in the back door of Bradford Creations with Bradford by his side and-

“I’m sorry to bother you, Devin, but I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you before you made your decision,” Kelly said, drawing his attention to find her standing by the backstairs, hugging a small stack of mail against her chest. When she saw Bradford, she cleared her throat and took a step back while the dog that demanded love from everyone, stood at his side, glaring in her direction.

“What decision?” Devin asked, absently reaching down to scratch Bradford behind his ears.

“I know you’re probably busy and a lot of people are going to be applying, but I thought with Charlie quitting and everything that it wouldn’t hurt to throw my hat in the ring,” Kelly said with a hopeful smile as she pulled one of the envelopes from the pile in her arms and handed it to him.

“What are you talking about? Charlie’s not quitting,” he said, opening the envelope to find a neatly organized resume for Charlie’s job.

“Umm, I’m sorry, but I thought you already knew with Charlie having the mail for her new business sent here and all,” Kelly explained with a shrug as she handed over the rest of the mail and-

Devin felt like he’d been sucker punched when he saw Dabbi Digital Marketing written across the first envelope.

Chapter 36

Two Days Later…

“Crap, crap, crap, crap!” Charlie muttered as she let herself into her apartment because it was either that or scream.

When she found out who was screwing with Bradford Creations’ social media accounts, she was going to kill them. She was beyond pissed right now. She was also starving, exhausted, and furious that someone was doing this.

Thanks to whoever was screwing with Bradford Creations, Charlie had been forced to spend the entire night trying to fix this mess. Oh, she was going to kill someone, Charlie thought, forcing herself to take a deep breath as she dropped her bags near the door only to curse when she saw what time it was.

She was hoping to grab an hour of sleep before going to work, but between traffic and trying to convince the web hosting company that she went through for Bradford Creations that she hadn’t canceled her account, she was running late. For a moment, a very brief moment, Charlie considered calling in sick so that she could pass out, but she didn’t trust the jerk making her life a living hell not to take advantage and try something else.

She just needed a shower, an unhealthy amount of caffeine, and a jelly donut and she would be fine. More than fine, Charlie told herself with a firm nod as she headed towards her bathroom, tripping over her bag along the way while she did her best to calm down when all she wanted to do was to throttle someone.

At least being pissed was better than wanting to cry, Charlie decided as she pulled off her clothes and angrily threw them at the hamper. For the past two days, Devin had been blowing her off and she had no idea why. Every time she tried to call him or text him, he would tell her that he was busy and would call her back later, but he never did and now, she was home, pissed and trying to convince herself that everything was okay.

Once she figured out who was screwing with her, everything would be fine, Charlie decided as she stepped in the shower, pausing to adjust the temperature before stepping beneath the hot water and-

“Cold!” she found herself gasping when she opened her eyes and stumbled back as Copyright 2016 - 2024