Finally (Neighbor from Hell #12) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,51

tongue slid against hers a slow groan was torn from him and-


-she found herself back inside, trying to catch her breath as the door closed quietly behind her and she…and she…

“Are you okay?” Dustin asked, hugging the stuffed dinosaur that she gave him for Christmas against his chest as he stared up at her.

“I think so?” Charlie said, not really sure why that came out as a question.

Chapter 24

“Good morning, Daddy,” came the sweetly spoken words that met Devin when he opened his bedroom door.

“Good morning, baby. Where’s your brother?” he asked absently as he glanced at Dustin’s closed bedroom door, hoping that his son was in Charlie’s room so that he had the excuse that he needed to see her, which was probably why he missed the devious smile that would have normally terrified him.

“I made you breakfast, Daddy,” Abbi said as she reached over and took his hand in hers.

“You did?” Devin asked, unable to help but smile as she led him downstairs.

“Uh-huh,” she said, nodding as they made their way through the living room towards their play table where a plate and what appeared to be a homemade menu waited.

“What’s this?” he asked, picking up the menu that appeared to have all his favorites listed.

“Your menu so that you can order what you want for breakfast,” Abbi said as she picked up a small notebook and a red crayon.

“I see,” he said, feeling his lips twitch as he sat down, more than willing to spend some time with his baby girl playing restaurant this morning. “Is Dustin and Charlie joining us?” Devin asked as he glanced back at Charlie’s door.

He’d been tempted, more than fucking tempted, to visit Charlie in the middle of the night and lure her away so that they could finish that kiss. He’d made it halfway down the stairs before he’d realized that he was already fucking this up.

In his defense, he didn’t have much experience when it came to women. Besides the obvious, that was. He’d never had to put much effort into dating because he honestly hadn’t fucking cared if a woman said yes. He’d never been interested in anything more than just sex simply because he hadn’t been looking for anything more. Even Heather had been nothing more than a fuck buddy. Neither one of them had been interested in anything more than sex and even after two years, he never saw her as anything more than just a good friend, but Charlie…

He wanted so much more with her.

He couldn’t rush this, not if he wanted to make this work, and he was damn well going to make this work. That meant doing this right, he reminded himself when his baby girl cleared her throat, reminding him that she was waiting.

“What would you like?” Abbi said with her crayon pressed against the notepad, ready to take his order.

“I’ll start with coffee,” he said, only to frown when she winced.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t have coffee this morning.”

“How about orange juice?” he asked, moving onto the next item on the menu.

“Yeah, no, umm, I’m afraid we ran out of orange juice an hour ago,” she murmured with an apologetic smile.

“Apple juice?”

“We’re out of that, too.”

“Chocolate milk?”

“I can get an ice-cold glass of water for you,” she offered with a hopeful smile.

“Perfect,” he said, moving onto the breakfast menu. “How are the pancakes?”

“They’re delicious,” Abbi said with an approving nod as she started writing down his order.

“Great. I’ll take an order of pancakes and-”

“We’re out,” she said with a sympathetic wince that had his eyes narrowing.

“You’re out of pancakes?”

“I’m afraid so,” Abbi said with a sad shake of her head.

“French toast?”



“Yeah, umm, it might be better if we discussed the cereal menu,” she said, gesturing to the bottom of the page.

“Fine. I’ll have-”

“We’re out of that, too,” she said, cutting him off before he could finish.

“Then what do you have?” Devin asked only to get ignored when the worst waitress that he’d ever had mumbled, “I’ll be right back,” as she walked over to greet Charlie and Dustin as they walked into the living room.

“Welcome to Abbi’s Diner,” she said with a warm smile that he couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t get. “How many are in your party?”

“Two,” Charlie said with a warm smile for Abbi as Devin sat there, waiting for her to look at him and-

God, he was fucking pathetic.

“Right this way. I have a table with a lovely view of the garden that I think you’ll enjoy,” Copyright 2016 - 2024