Finally (Neighbor from Hell #12) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,31

boxes, large windows overlooking the workshop, and-

“This isn’t going to work,” Charlie said hollowly, staring at the large glass windows in horror.

“It’s either this or go home,” Devin told her because there was no way in hell that he was leaving her upstairs in that office all alone.

Worrying her bottom lip, Charlie glanced around the office again before looking at her new desk with a sadly mumbled, “That’s not my desk.”

“It’s better,” Devin said, deciding not to mention that he’d decided to take advantage of this situation and had T.J. grab a new desk from the storeroom for her.

“I love my desk,” Charlie mumbled sadly as she shifted her attention to the windows and back again before sighing, opening the white bakery bag that she’d somehow managed to hold on to and helped herself to a jelly donut with a dejected sigh as he stood there, holding her and wondering why she had to be so damn difficult.

“The new desk is better,” he pointed out.

“No, it’s not,” Charlie mumbled around a bite of donut as she forced herself to look away from the desk that was fucking perfect and laid her head against his chest with another, “I love my desk.”

“And you’ll love this one once you get used to it. This one is brand new. There are no dents, dings, or scrapes,” Devin said, moving to carry her over to her new desk when she mumbled, “The beanbag.”

Biting back a sigh, he turned around and headed towards the play area. “Are you planning on pouting for the rest of the day?”

Sniffle. “Yes.”

“You do realize that this only works on Ben, right?” he pointed out only to be met with another sniffle.

“I’m not putting that desk in my office, Charlie.”


“I built that thing out of scrap wood to test a design. It was supposed to go in the trash,” Devin explained to the small woman who thought she had him wrapped him around her little finger.

When she still didn’t say anything, he narrowed his eyes on her. “I’m going to work. Don’t let me catch you moving from that spot,” he said while she continued to nibble on her jelly donut with the saddest fucking sigh that wasn’t going to work on him.

“I’m not kidding, Charlie. Don’t leave that spot,” Devin said one last time before he left, determined to focus on everything that he needed to do to catch up with the orders waiting for him and-

“Damn it,” Devin sighed, shaking his head in disgust as he headed to the back stairs only to find T.J. waiting for him.

“Didn’t like the desk, did she?” his best friend asked only to chuckle when Devin leveled a glare on him and headed upstairs to get the desk for the little brat.


“Okay, this might have been a bad idea,” Charlie finally admitted to herself as her grip tightened around the bookshelf while she slowly put her foot down and-

Quickly rethought that decision with a shaky breath when pain shot through her foot. It wasn’t as bad as it was a few days ago, but it didn’t feel great either. Slowly exhaling, she hugged her camera against her chest as she slowly slid her other hand along the edge of the bookshelf, raised her foot and-

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Charlie mumbled, glancing over her shoulder to gauge the distance back to the beanbag before shifting her attention to the office door and-

“Oh, sorry, Charlie. I’m looking for Devin,” Scott said as Charlie stood there, taking in the large man that was in charge of shipping and realized that she may have found a way to make this work.

“Could you grab that chair for me, please?” she asked with a hopeful smile and a slight gesture with the hand that held her camera towards Devin’s desk chair.

“Yeah, of course,” Scott said, quickly making his way over to Devin’s desk and grabbed hold of the large chair that looked really comfortable so that he could push it over to her and once she sat down…

“Any chance that you could push me out there?” Charlie asked even as she gestured towards the small bakery bag that she’d been forced to leave behind.

Frowning, Scott walked over to the beanbag and picked up the bag. “You’re not supposed to be in the shop,” he said, handing it to her.

“It will only be for a minute. I just need to get some pictures for the website,” Charlie said, already using her good foot to move her towards Copyright 2016 - 2024