Finally (Neighbor from Hell #12) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,13

Daddy!” Dustin said as he wrapped his small hand around the saltshaker, carefully climbed off his chair, and quickly made his way back out of the kitchen, making Devin frown as he pushed his chair back, wondering what his son was up to and-

“Ooops!” Abbi said, making him realize his mistake as he glanced back to find his baby girl standing next to the trashcan, dumping the rest of her dinner in the trash.

When he narrowed his eyes back on her, she dropped her plate in the trash, and-

“Don’t do it!”

Grabbed her brother’s plate, dumping it in the trash before he managed to grab her.

“Oh, you’re in big trouble now,” Devin said, shifting his baby girl in his arms as he went after his son to see what he was up to.

“Worth it,” Abbi said, making him sigh as he pushed the kitchen door open and found himself drawn to the sounds of SpongeBob SquarePants annoying the shit out of Squidward.

Really hoping that he was wrong, Devin headed towards the half-open door that led to the in-law apartment and sighed, just fucking sighed when he spotted Dustin sitting next to Charlie on her bed with a plate of pizza on his lap.

“You’re supposed to knock,” Dustin said as he picked up the large slice of cheese pizza and took a bite.

“And you’re supposed to be eating dinner,” Devin pointed out with a sigh as he put Abbi down only to groan when she took that as an invitation to climb onto the bed and help herself to a slice of pizza.

Frowning, Dustin said, “I am eating dinner, Daddy. See?” as he held up his slice of pizza as Devin’s attention shifted to Charlie and stayed there.

Eyes narrowing on him, she finished her bite of pizza with a look that told him exactly what would happen if he mentioned touching her desk again. She was so fucking adorable, Devin thought, taking in her curly dark hair pulled up into a messy bun, the Team Slytherin tee-shirt that made it very clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra, the plaid cotton shorts that ended mid-thigh and gave him one hell of a view of short, curvy golden legs, tiny feet, and cute little toes with the toenails painted baby pink.

When he found his gaze running back up her legs, Devin cleared his throat and forced himself to focus on getting his children to move their little butts so that he could start the long process of getting them tucked in for the night that was one day going to lead to a nervous breakdown. With that in mind, he picked Dustin up and-

Sighed, just fucking sighed when his son shoved the slice of pizza in his hand into his mouth and grabbed another slice before Devin could stop him. He shifted his son under one arm and reached for his baby girl only to have her grab another slice of pizza and a chicken tender out of the box that he’d somehow missed, ducked out of his reach and made a run for it.

“I love pizza,” Dustin said with a dreamy sigh as he took a bite of his pizza, making Charlie’s lips twitch.

“I know you do,” Devin said, shifting his son in his arms as he risked one last glance at Charlie to find her smiling as she watched Dustin.

God, she was beautiful…

“The desk stays,” Charlie said, not bothering to look at him as she took a bite of her pizza.

And so fucking adorable, Devin thought as he reached over and plucked the pizza out of her hand with a mumbled, “We’ll see,” and headed for the door.

Seven soul-crushing hours later, Devin was ready to call it a night. He tossed the pencil that was barely more than a nub onto his desk and pushed his chair back with a heavy sigh. He needed to finish this design, but he was too fucking exhausted to see straight. He needed to start it on Monday, which gave him two days to finish it. Deciding to call it a night, Devin pushed his chair back and headed for his office door, making sure to lock it behind him so that the twins couldn’t sneak in and color his designs, again.

Once he made sure the door was locked, Devin headed down the hallway, checking in on the twins along the way to make sure that they were asleep before heading to his room. Ten minutes later, he was standing in his shower, savoring the Copyright 2016 - 2024