Final Solstice - David Sakmyster Page 0,9

love of my father’s life. He pays every day in guilt for what happened to her, and he tries every minute to make up for it. If anything else should threaten her …”

“Perfect. Although of course I had already arrived at the same conclusion.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“I just wanted to hear you say it. It confirms that my trust in you is not misplaced.”

“After all I’ve done? You trust me by now … sir.”

“Good, then it’s settled. But I’m sorry. We are not going to wait for his call. I’d hoped you would have been … more persuasive. Now, we’re out of time. We have to ensure his compliance.”

Gabriel was about to argue, but saw the determination in those green eyes, the look that said the discussion was over. Reluctantly, he shrugged, though his muscles were heavy, his blood ringing in his ears. “I know the stakes. I’m prepared to make … sacrifices.”

The other man smiled, spun his cane and withdrew into the shadows as the limousine raced onto the interstate.

Chapter 4

A leisurely celebration dinner at TGI Friday’s, and Mason and Lauren were soon caught up on everything in Shelby’s life—at least everything she was prepared to tell them. She was, after all, almost twenty years old, and her father could tell there were things she was less than forthcoming about. English boys, most likely, maybe something else, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t think it was anything to do with drugs or alcohol; he would know the signs. She had always had a good head on her shoulders, a lot of common sense born from tragedy. Perspective. Near-death can do that to someone.

There was definitely something bothering her though, but now wasn’t the time to press it. She’d have another week with them before returning overseas for another six months. She seemed in no hurry to leave, unlike other times when she couldn’t wait to return to new friends and parties.

After what she’d been through, Mason begrudged her very little. He wanted his little girl to be happy, to live and experience life’s pleasures without his interference. He had almost lost her twelve years ago; so all this was like extended hours at a theme park, time to be savored and enjoyed.

Her research had been going well, and as far as he knew, it involved exciting investigations into early Anglo-Saxon religious practices, with an eye toward nature-worship and astronomical ceremonies. Mason couldn’t wait to read her jealously guarded thesis, but as yet she wasn’t sharing.

A double-decker brownie dessert dish later, along with some decaf coffee for him and Lauren, and they were finally ready to leave, but not yet done talking. They had yet to address the elephant in the room, the particularly large and ungainly one by the name of Gabriel.

What are you going to do? Shelby signed to him. About Gabe?

Mason stared into his coffee for a long time until Lauren pinched him under the table. “Your daughter wants to know what you plan to do about her brother’s offer.”

“Reject it,” he said at last, pushing away his coffee mug and rubbing his eyes. “A new job, I don’t need. I would have gladly welcomed him back if he needed help, or a place to live for a while, anything like that. But this …” He shrugged.

Shelby leaned in, brownie crumbs falling from her lips as she tried to speak. “You dunt trust ’im?”

“I don’t, honey, I don’t. Something about this whole setup …” Mason turned his face to Shelby so she could read his lips. He was too tired to sign. “Gabe has changed, but I sense—I don’t know, some ulterior motive, like I’m being set up to be the butt of some April Fool’s joke. Or in this case, probably a seriously unfunny eco-terrorist prank. No thanks.”

Again, a squeeze under the table. Lauren leaned in. “Don’t you want to at least hear him out?”

“Not particularly, no.”

“Please? It’s been three years. Whatever you believe about his motives, three years is a long time. He’s my son too, you know. I want to see him.”

Me too, Shelby signed. “And I leef on Fray-day.”

Mason sighed. “Overruling me again? I can say this at least. Without Gabe around, I’ve been outvoted by the females in this family for too long.”

“Talk to him,” Lauren repeated. “Just do that. If your stinko-meter still rejects his pitch, then walk away. And if he won’t come back to us, then …”

“Ef him,” Shelby said, stuffing the last brownie piece into her mouth, grinning, Copyright 2016 - 2024