The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,95

tears fall.

“You’re going to be a hero, Naomi. You just might save us all,” she says gently. “If we live to see future generations of humans, it’ll be thanks to you—you and Beckett, Jian and Sydney, Dev and Minka. I promise, you’re making the most worthy sacrifice. I would do it myself if I could.”

I nod, but there is no dulling the ache in my heart as the faces of the four people I love most in the world flash in my mind.

Sam. Mom. Dad. Leo . . .

It’s hours before I get to see Leo again. While the eliminated finalists pack and prepare for tomorrow’s journey home in a haze of shock, the Final Six are ushered into a series of all-day briefings with the heads of the space agencies and the secretary-general of the United Nations. The others around me, even the previously hesitant Sydney, are brimming with excitement as we’re given the rundown of tomorrow’s rocket launch, an event expected to “blow the Apollo moon landings out of the water.” But my mind is miles away.

When we’re finally escorted back to our dorm rooms, long after dinner has come and gone, I find Lark on the staircase.

“Can you get a message to Leo for me?” I whisper, pleading to her with my eyes.

She nods, and I hand her the note I scrawled during one of the long briefing meetings. And then I hurry to my dorm room to wait.

Minutes later, he is at my door. Relief mixes with misery as I fly into his arms, wondering how I will ever live without this.

“I’m sorry—so sorry,” I sob as he holds me close, kissing me through my tears. “If I hadn’t—”

“Don’t apologize,” he whispers into my hair. And as I look up at him, I see tears in his eyes too.

“Stay with me tonight.” I lace my fingers in his. “All night. Lark will cover for us if anyone suspects you’re not in your room, but even if she doesn’t, I don’t care. Dr. Takumi can’t punish us any more than he already has.”

Leo nods, and lifts me into his arms. He lays me down on the bed, his lips moving over mine until I forget where we are, forget the good-bye tomorrow will bring. And then suddenly, he pulls away.

“What is it?” I ask, taken aback.

“On Europa, they’ll expect you to . . . to eventually have a partner, and procreate,” Leo says, his voice catching on the words. “I don’t know how to face it.”

“I won’t,” I promise. “I don’t care what they expect, I won’t do it. But . . . but I wouldn’t blame you if you end up with someone—someone on Earth.” Leo shakes his head no, and I press my finger to his lips. “That’s why . . . that’s why I need you to be my first. I need you—this—to hold on to, for the rest of my life.”

“Are you sure?” Leo whispers.

“More sure than I’ve ever been about anything.”

He lowers toward me, nestling his forehead against mine.

“Ti amo, Naomi.”

My heart swells at his words. It’s the moment I’ve dreamed of . . . but I never expected it to happen the night before we are forced to separate forever.

“Ti amo.” I tighten my arms around him, closing my eyes as I memorize the feel of his touch. “I love you, too.”



I WAKE UP WITH HER SKIN AGAINST MINE, HER HAIR TICKLING my neck. It’s like a dream I didn’t dare hope for, and I smile at the sight of her sleeping face pressed against my shoulder.

And then I hear the rapping at the door.

“One hour till departure!” someone shouts as yesterday’s heartbreak comes slamming back to the fore. I feel the blow in my chest, in my stomach, and I sit up, head in my hands. Naomi stirs as I move, and I reach for her hand.

“It’s—it’s time,” I say as she wakes, my voice coming out thick, unlike my own.

She sits up in panic. “I can’t say good-bye to you. I can’t.”

I take a deep breath, realizing I need to be strong for her. I’ll have plenty of time later, the rest of my life, to give in to my emotions. But not now. Not in front of her.

“You don’t have to say good-bye,” I say, tracing her collarbone with my finger. “I’ll send you video messages and emails every day, and maybe—maybe when Europa is ready for more settlers from Earth, I can be one of them. It’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024