The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,92

I was going to do is poke holes in the reason I’m a finalist. But when I saw that change come over Beckett in the diving pool after the RRB shots, and knowing how the serum affected me in the water, too . . .” He takes a deep breath. “I’m starting to believe Dr. Takumi and the ISTC are grooming us to adapt to the extraterrestrials’ world—so we can eventually overtake them, and make Europa our world.”

I gape at him, speechless, as all the jarring pieces fall into place.

“It makes sense,” I whisper, when I find my voice. “Especially the secrecy. Because who would sign off on this mission if they knew upfront what we’re up against? So, instead, Dr. Takumi is giving us the tools through the RRB and our training.” I shiver, a chill running through my body. “In his mind, it’s maybe even a part of terraforming: clearing out the underwater life and making Europa humans-only. And we can’t let that happen. No matter how frightening it may be to us, the life that came before is the life that belongs there.”

Leo nods, and I can see it in his eyes—the crushing realization of what the mission really entails.

“That’s why I need to go,” I continue. “I have to be one of the Final Six.”

Leo’s expression turns incredulous. “What? After everything you said about needing to get back home, about how this mission is a likely recipe for death . . . are you saying the proof of alien life actually changed your mind?”

“No. It just made me realize where I’m most needed.” I take Leo’s hand in mine. “The other finalists are going into this blind. If I can use my scientific ability to keep cracking at the mystery of what kind of life is waiting for us up there and how we might survive alongside it, then the Final Six needs me. I failed Dot, but maybe I can make up for that now—by trying to keep the rest of the six safe.”

Leo gazes at me with an expression that fills my cheeks with heat. “Every time I’m sure I’ve figured you out, you show me another layer. Maybe that’s another reason why I . . . can’t imagine going back to a life without you.” He wraps his arms around me and I close my eyes, his touch my only comfort.

“It’s all in Dr. Takumi’s hands now,” he murmurs. “But I’ve got to do something. I have to make sure we go up there together.”



TONIGHT IS THE SPACE CAMP VERSION OF THE LAST SUPPER: our last dinner before the Final Six are unveiled tomorrow. The mood in the cafeteria is how I imagine soldiers must feel on the eve of deployment—only in this case, the war we’re afraid of returning to is at home. If I thought the nerves and anticipation were extreme leading up to the first elimination, the tension in the air tonight could power an entire city. Especially mine. Not only do I need to make the final draft, I need to make it with her. The only way I can get through tomorrow is if not just one, but two prayers are answered.

Naomi and I sit at a table with Sydney, Minka, Dev, and Henri, all of us too anxious to swallow a bite of food. I glance at Dr. Takumi on and off throughout the hour as I make my decision. And then, when he moves to the door at the end of dinner, I jump out of my seat, catching him just as he exits.

“Dr. Takumi, can I talk to you?” I blurt out. “It will only take a second.”

He arches an eyebrow. “What is it, Leonardo?”

“I just wanted to say that . . . there are two people here who were born for this mission. I know I have the underwater skills to get us through the ice crust of Europa. And training on the same team as Naomi Ardalan has convinced me that she has the brains to keep us alive in space.” I take a deep breath. “This mission is what I’ve been living for, ever since the day I was drafted. I know it’s your decision, but I just wanted to—to promise you: Naomi and I are both the right choice.”

A long pause follows and I wait, every muscle in my body tensing, while Dr. Takumi gives me an inscrutable look. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he says finally. “Goodnight, Leonardo.”

He turns away, Copyright 2016 - 2024