The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,87

ingredient of water—all we have to do is drill through the ice and get to it.” She glances at Cyb. “Speaking of which, you all have a training session to return to. Now that I’ve answered your questions, I hope this will be the last time we discuss the Athena mission.”

As she saunters out of the room, it occurs to me that others here must have been questioning her about this before me. Otherwise, why would she give in and tell us the truth so quickly?

“There’s just one thing she left out,” Jian mutters behind me. “The Dr. Takumi connection. Did you know he didn’t advance to power until Mars happened?”

I turn around, staring at Jian in surprise.

Leaving the Mission Floor for our next training session, I feel someone push my shoulder.

“What was that about, Italian? Getting cold feet?” Beckett gives a mocking laugh. “Eager to go home to Mommy and Daddy and avoid big, bad space?”

I spin around, my insides burning with fury at the mention of the family and home I no longer have.

“You wish. I’m not going anywhere. The bigger question is, why do you act so high and mighty when you’re obviously the one afraid of me?”

“Please.” Beckett gives me a scornful look. “You’re not a threat.”

“Right. That’s why you attempted to cut me loose from ten thousand feet in the air.”

Beckett stops short, the color draining from his face. He thought I didn’t know. He must have thought it was a secret moment that only he and his dark conscience would ever remember.

“What the hell?” He wrinkles his nose, making like I’m the crazy one. But I know better.

“I saw you try to mess with my harness. You would have killed me if you could. The only reason you’re not trying anything like that here is so you don’t get cut.” I lean forward. “So tell me, Beckett, what is so terrifying for you back at the White House that you’d try to kill me in order to stay away?”

For a split second, I think Beckett might actually own up to everything. But then he glowers at me. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says before turning his back. I’m still watching him stalk away when I feel a hand on my arm.

“What was that about?” Naomi murmurs in my ear.

“Uh, I’ll tell you when we’re alone.”

“Speaking of, Lark says we have a free hour between training and dinner. Meet me at our spot?” she asks. “I have something to tell you.”

I nod, the thought of alone time with her wiping Beckett from my mind.

“I’ll be there.”

I climb the steps of the Telescope Tower to find Naomi already waiting, leaning her elbows on the balcony railing as she looks up at the stars. She turns at the sound of my footsteps and gives me a sheepish smile.

“Hey,” I greet her, kissing her forehead. “What did you want to tell me?”

She looks at me as if in awe. “You mean you’re not angry?”

“About what? The whole thing with the general?”

“Yeah.” She laces her fingers in mine. “Here I was all prepared to apologize, and you’re not even mad.”

“Well, considering I let you off the hook after pulling something way riskier the night of the storm, I think we’ve established that I don’t know how to be mad at you. Clearly I need to work on that.” I grin. “But I am curious to hear the apology you planned out.”

“Okay, yeah, let me say it.” She stands up straighter. “I didn’t expect Cyb to bring in the general. I know how important this mission is to you, and I’m really, really sorry if I caused any sort of red flag by your name. But”—she takes a deep breath—“if it turns out I’m right—not just about the RRB, but about what the Space Conspirator has been writing all along—then I’m not afraid to say it. I want you to stay on Earth. I want you safe.”

I touch her cheek, momentarily lost for words. It’s been a long time since somebody cared this much for me, and I’d almost forgotten, after losing my family, what it feels like to truly matter to someone.

“Well, at least one interesting thing came out of your plan,” I say when I find my voice. “Jian told me something General Sokolov left out of her explanation about Mars. Apparently, Dr. Takumi accelerated to power right after the Athena tragedy.”

Naomi’s eyes widen. “Wow. That is some seriously shady timing.” She leans back against Copyright 2016 - 2024