The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,69

it into a port in Dot’s back. She fiddles with the dials and sensors on the robot’s arm until a small screen on Dot’s chest lights up, flashing with symbols and numbers.

I wait for what feels like an eternity as Naomi’s hands move across the screen, typing and swiping on the robot’s chest, while each sound and creak in the room sets me more on edge. Finally, she removes the flash drive and screws Dot’s recessed compartment back on, returning the robot to its normal appearance—all while it remains in Sleep Mode.

“Okay, let’s go, now!” She tosses the screwdriver on one of the desks and returns to my side, looking nervous for the first time.

She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I grab her hand and we break into a run, slamming the door shut behind us.

“What were you doing exactly?” I ask as we race down the corridor, sidestepping fallen shelves and broken glass.

Naomi hesitates before answering. “I have my own hacking software on a flash drive. And before you say anything, I’m not a criminal . . . not really. This is only the second time I’ve used it. The first time was to get my brother’s medical records when the hospital was taking too long to release his results.”

I stop in my tracks. “So you really did it. You hacked the robot?”

“Yeah. I basically used my malware to access Dot’s SSH connection, and I reconfigured the AI operating system to connect to my own tablet. Once I plug the drive into my tablet, I’ll be able to program and direct Dot just like the ISTC leaders do from their computers—so Dot will think it’s them giving commands. That’s step one of how I’m going to get the truth about Europa.” She turns to me with a steely look. “And no one but you will ever know.”

I stare at her. “Do you even realize how scary you can be?”

But something in the way I say it makes Naomi burst into unexpected laughter. I try to shush her as we flee the scene, but now she has a case of uncontrollable nervous giggles, and I can’t help laughing too.

“At least if this storm kills us—or Dr. Takumi finds us and does the job himself—we’ll literally die laughing,” I remark.

Suddenly, the smile slips off her face. She switches off her flashlight and grabs my arm, yanking me around a corner. That’s when I hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps.

We’re not alone.



I CAN FEEL THE BLOOD ROARING IN MY EARS, THE BREATH trapped in my throat, as Leo and I flatten ourselves against the wall. There is nothing we can do now but listen to the excruciating sound of footsteps in the dark and wait out our last moments of freedom. Dr. Takumi’s list of potential punishments runs through my mind, and my hands start to shake. I was stupid to think I could get away with this—and now Leo has to pay the price for what I did.

All my bravado is gone, and I look to him, hoping he is as strong in this moment as he looks. As the footsteps march closer, I turn my face toward his. I’m sorry, I mouth.

Leo nods, reaches for my hand. Through the dark, I notice the outline of his lips. There is so much unspoken between us, so much I want to say, and now we’re about to get caught—

“Security breach detected.”

“Attention! Security breach detected.”

I freeze at the sound of the mechanical voices echoing toward us. And then a light shines in my eyes, and my head snaps up. This time, I can’t hold back my scream.

Three faceless utility robots circle us, compact versions of Dot and Cyb, but just as intimidating in the dark. Army insignias glow across their metal chests, and I realize—these are Dr. Takumi’s soldiers.

“Source of breach uncovered,” one of the robots drones, marching toward us with handcuffs. “Finalists out of bounds—”

A zapping sound crackles through the air, and I jump back at the sight of the flying blue current. One of the robots hits the floor with a crash, and I turn in amazement to see Leo, aiming the stun gun from the lab at the remaining two. They reach into their holsters, withdrawing arms of their own—

Zap. Zap. The breath whooshes from my lungs as the second and third AIs fall. And then Leo is seizing my hand, both of us lunging forward into a run, the adrenaline and fear driving my body faster than I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024