The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,61

hesitate to place my hand over hers.

General Sokolov and Asher shuffle in tandem to the edge of the plane, the air blowing at their faces. “Three . . . two . . . one,” the general chants. “Jump!”

Katerina’s shriek echoes through the cabin as the general and Asher go flying, their bodies hanging upside down from the rope. I press my face to the window, watching as the two of them spread their arms like wings and soar through the clouds, Asher’s screams fading. In spite of my ratcheting nerves, I feel a flicker of excitement. This should be a damn good ride.

“I won’t die,” Naomi mutters to herself through chattering teeth, though it sounds more like a question than a statement. “Terminal velocity—I won’t feel the sensation of free-falling once I hit terminal velocity.”

I squeeze her shoulder.

“Remember how much you loved the weightless flight? This will be as fun as that, plus it’ll be over soon.”

A second, smaller plane swoops down to meet Asher and the general midair, and the two of them use their rope to swing through its open door. “Whoa,” I murmur. “I can’t believe we get to do that.”

“Get to?” Naomi looks at me incredulously. She flinches as Lark calls her and Katerina up, and I reach over and give her a brief hug. “Good luck.”

It’s only a second of contact, but I feel it as she steps away from me—the warmth where her body used to be.

I lean forward, nervous for her, as Lark connects the bungee cord to her harness strap and feet. “Three . . . two . . . one . . . jump!” she yells, and I brace myself. But Naomi and Katerina remain on the ledge, staring at the far-off ground in fear, and Lark has to repeat the countdown, this time giving them a slight push. And then they are falling, flying, just like the general and Asher, their screams puncturing the air. When they soar past our plane, I smile at the sight of Naomi laughing from the adrenaline release as she sails through the clouds.

The second plane ropes them in, and now it’s our turn. I keep my eyes straight ahead, not saying a word to Beckett as Lark straps the equipment to our backs.

“You’ll be in the air for two full minutes,” Lark yells over the sound of the engine as she fastens the cord through our harnesses. “Don’t look down, and you should be fine. Bend your knees as you jump, and then spread your arms wide as you fly.”

My legs feel like lead as I shuffle toward the open door, tied to my rival. As we approach the edge, I immediately go against Lark’s advice and look down. But there’s no ground to rush toward, there’s only clouds—and the wind, which blows bitterly cold gusts from up here.

“Three . . . two . . .” I glance at Beckett, and on instinct, I extend my hand to shake his. As much as I don’t like the guy, we’re about to take the jump of our lives together . . . shouldn’t we at least be on good terms for this? But he either doesn’t see my outstretched hand or he ignores it. And then Lark shouts out, “One! Jump!”

The moment is here, but at first my legs don’t move. I stare into the sky, my mind trying to comprehend what I’m about to do, freezing my body in fear. And then I realize that I am closer to my family up here than anywhere in the world.

Beckett lunges forward, and I bend my knees and step off the ledge, into the air.

My heart seems to leap out of my body as I jump. The wind slams against our backs, turning us upside down, and I hear screams as my insides contort, as gravity disappears. But then comes a rush of wild, pure euphoria. And as I soar above Houston, I realize I’m not falling—I’m being carried by air.

I let out a whoop as my body flies, so exhilarated that I don’t even mind having to share this with Beckett. Our bodies glide through the wind beside each other, and I look at him with a grin, temporarily forgetting that he’s my rival here. But he hasn’t forgotten. He is looking at me, too—only his eyes are dark pools. And suddenly, I feel his hand on my back, reaching for my harness.

“Stop—” I try to shout, but I can barely speak up here. We’re Copyright 2016 - 2024