The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,48


“Actually . . . yeah, sometimes. The training we’ve done so far is pretty incredible. It’s like we’re in Hogwarts for space, but instead of teaching us magic, they’re preparing us to get kicked off the planet.” I laugh. “I’ll have a ton of stories for you when I come home.”

In the silence that falls, I can almost hear them all tweaking my sentence in their minds: “If you come home.”

“So, did you open my letter?” Sam asks, trying to sound casual.

I know the real question he’s asking: Do I plan to use the flash drive with the hacking software, and am I making progress on my true mission—to return to them, to stay on Earth? I have to assure him that I’m keeping my promise to come home, without giving myself away if Lark or anyone else overhears.

“I did, and in answer to your question . . . I’m still figuring it out,” I reply. “But I will.”

My parents are clearly confused, but before they can ask what we’re talking about, Lark signals for our attention.

“Time to log off. It’s the next team’s turn at the computers.”

My stomach plummets. We can’t be done so soon—and I can’t fathom the thought of only ever seeing my family like this, in painfully short bursts through a computer monitor.

“I love you guys,” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I don’t want to say good-bye.”

“We love you more, azizam,” Dad says gruffly, and I can tell he’s getting choked up. Mom’s eyes are watery as she blows kisses through the screen, and Sam gives me the goofy secret hand signal we made up in elementary school. I thought he’d forgotten it, and I laugh through my tears.

“Love you, Sis. I really miss you.”

And then the screen turns black, its emptiness leaving me with renewed resolve.

I have to set a plan in motion.



THERE’S A BANGING AT MY DOOR, A SHOUTING THAT PIERCES through my dreams. I wake with a start, blinking at the clock beside me as it flashes 3:30. Did I imagine the noise? What could be going on at this hour?

But then I hear a familiar voice cry out for help, and I throw the covers off me. I step into the first pair of pants I can find and open the door.

It’s Naomi. As soon as she sees me, her face crumples.

“Suki’s in trouble,” she gasps. “Everything was fine, I thought she was getting better, and then—then—”

Asher joins us in the doorway, rubbing his eyes.

“What’s going on?”

“Something’s happened to Suki,” I tell him. “Let’s go.”

The three of us run down the dark corridor to the girls’ wing, a few bleary-eyed finalists peeking their heads out of their rooms at the sound of the commotion, until we’re standing at the door to Naomi and Suki’s room. I can hear a strangled sound coming from inside, and Naomi hesitates before opening the door.

“I—I should prepare you. It’s really bad—”

“It’s okay,” Asher tells her. “I was in the military, and Leo . . .” His voice trails off, but I know where his sentence leads. Leo’s whole family died. He can handle a sick teammate.

“Come on,” I tell Naomi. She gulps and opens the door—and my whole body tenses in panic.

A wild animal is convulsing on the bed, shaking and foaming at the mouth. Her head snaps in our direction as we enter, and she opens her mouth to speak, to yell—but all that comes out are garbled sounds. The effort seems to agitate her more, and now she’s rattling the bedframe with her shaking, her skin turning a bluish-gray hue. This isn’t Suki—it can’t be.

“I’ve never seen anything like this.” Naomi stares at the bed in terror. “At first I thought it was a seizure, but it’s only getting worse. I wanted to take her to the medic, but I can’t lift her by myself, and you’re not supposed to move someone when they’re having a seizure—if that’s even what this is.” She breaks off, shaking her head helplessly, and I turn to Asher.

“Go get help, okay? Try and make it back as fast as you can.” I sound far stronger than I feel, and Asher nods, looking relieved to have something to do. As he races out of the room, I take a few tentative steps toward Suki.

“It’s—it’s going to be okay,” I stammer, though I know she’s not listening. She’s too far gone. “Help is coming, and—”

In the space of a breath, Suki reaches up and seizes both my Copyright 2016 - 2024