The Final Six (The Final Six #1) - Alexandra Monir Page 0,25

namesake, a long and lean equatorial mount telescope, pointed skyward.

“Cool,” Leo murmurs, stepping up for a closer look.

In the past, I would have been the first to run and peer into the lens. Ever since my grandparents bought me my first kid-size telescope, showing me how I could see the same stars from my Los Angeles backyard that they once gazed up at in Iran, I’ve been entranced by them. But now, knowing how dangerously close I am to being sent up there . . . for the first time in my life, the sight of a telescope feels more like a warning.

“You can see some of the most distant planets and stars in our solar system from here,” Lark says. “Including Europa.”

A shiver runs through me. There is something more than a little eerie about seeing the place where six of us will be forced to live and die—looming above as just a speck in the sky.

Lark glances at her watch, and then turns toward the stairs.

“All right, let’s show you to your dorms.”

We make our way back to the Hab, and this time Lark turns in the opposite direction from the cafeteria and library. This new corridor is softer, with plush carpeting and rounded windows, colorful mission patches and photographs decorating the walls, and even the occasional accent table adorned with books on display. It’s like crossing from an industrial space into a residential one.

“The girls’ dorm is to the left, boys’ to the right,” Lark says as we reach a fork in the corridor. “There will be two of you to a room, and you’ll find your rooming assignments posted on the door.”

My stomach nose-dives at her words. It’s not that I expected we’d each get our own room . . . but I certainly hoped.

Lark leads us through the girls’ dorm hallway, passing doors with plaques bearing the names of finalists from other teams, until we reach one belonging to us. Naomi Ardalan & Suki Chuan. I give Suki a small smile, wondering if she feels the way I do about rooming with a stranger.

“You have a couple hours to unpack and settle in before we meet back at the cafeteria for dinner.” Lark reaches into her jacket pocket and hands us each a laminated pass. “This serves as the key both to your room and the approved common areas. Make sure to keep it safe, and remember—this pass won’t open any doors beyond your own room and the spaces I just showed you. All other rooms, corridors, and buildings here at ISTC are off-limits unless you are with me or another member of staff. That means absolutely no venturing to the Mission Floor, the labs, or anywhere else on your own. All that’ll get you is the wrath of Dr. Takumi, which, trust me, you don’t want to see.” She looks intently at each of us. “Do you understand?”

I join the others and nod obediently, but I can feel my heartbeat quickening. Why all the secrecy? Why are we confined to just four spaces on this massive campus?

What are they hiding?

The door closes behind us, plunging me and Suki into silence. For a few moments we just stand there, both of us frozen in the awkwardness of the situation. But then I clear my throat, force myself to get a grip. I may not be much of a social butterfly, but I need a friend here. Maybe having a roommate will turn out for the best.

“So, um, what do you think? About all this?” I ask, realizing as the words come out of my mouth that I really do suck at making small talk.

“I think . . .” She takes a shaky breath, and for a second I wonder if she’s going to tell me something real—but then her expression closes up. “I think we should try to get some rest while we can. We’re going to be on an exhausting schedule.”

She strides forward and flicks on the lights. Our luggage is already here waiting for us, and Suki drags her bag to the bed farthest from the door, effectively claiming the quieter side of the room without asking me. But I have bigger things to worry about than a potentially inconsiderate roomie.

I sink onto the bed on my side and glance around at our surroundings. The room is about what I expected—small and stark, with two twin beds, a pair of matching white desks and swivel chairs, and a closet and chest of drawers Copyright 2016 - 2024